Aug 17, 2005 08:20
So everyone else is making "Favorite Parts of NPS" lists. Here's mine:
(1) Spring Break '05
(2) The genius of strawed beer
(3) Hearing that Anis thought the "Holocaust Museum" was a "Chocolate Museum"
(4) Aborted Risk with Shappy. Actually, Shappy in gen
(5) Buddy wanting my t-shirt because it was dope
(6) The boy-girl drama from Team Eugene next door
(7) Getting high without actually, ya know, paying for anything
(8) Giving Ragan a pre-finals h.j. at the bar
(9) The Nerd Slam for innumerable reasons
(10) Avoiding Taylor's wrath
(11) Who wasn't there almost as much as who was
(12) Corn cob pipe, I gotta say
(13) Pouring water on a sleeping Chris Lee's head
(14) Listening to the new Gorillaz CD on the way to bouts because it's perfect
(15) Shebagate's injection of drama
(16) Sarah Lihz's unstoppable adorableness
(17) Opening night free tequila and free beer
(18) Being cooly detached
(19) Frisbee and softball, both of which remain my bitches
(20) Team Austin
(20a) Making it through all of NPS without once reading a single line of poetry, and somehow, that's an odd accomplishment
My favorite performances/poems of NPS 2005:
(1) "I Do" - Team Austin group
(2) "Trigger" - Team Austin group
(3) "Robots" - Team Normal
(4) Timmy boy's Bon Jovi sing-a-long at Slammaster's
(5) Anis' finals night slamoff poem
(6) Captain ??? ... oh jeez, the awesome persona piece at the Nerd Slam
(7) "Magnet" - Ragan Fox
(8) God help me: Rives' finals night poem
(9) Christa Bell's "Hip Hates Women" poem
(10) "Cowboys and Muslims" (title?) - Scott Woods
(11) Ed Mabry's opening bout poem (again, title?)
I somehow saw less poetry this year, which is a shame. But the percentage of mindblowing stuff seemed lower this year than in the past. Or maybe it's the cynic in me growing stronger.
Still, tot rad. Tot rad, indeed.