Feb 02, 2006 16:42
Now, those who have ever been to (or attend) the engineering part of the USC campus may have noticed that it is rather...topographical, shall we say. I was thinking about this while wandering my way up from my lab on the third story of Olin Hall to my lab on the fifth floor. Why does the university insist that engineers study in conditions that would make someone with a fear of heights go running home to Mommy? I'll tell you why: because a flat engineering campus is not LEAGL.
Yes, I did spell that correctly. I am coining the acronym LEAGL (Less Engineers At Ground Level). Taller buildings keep engineers farther away from those innocent regular folk who keep mostly to the first floor. Again, why?
Probably because (as anyone who has met an engineer knows) we're frickin' crazy! If we're not jumping out of trees at unsuspecting passers-by, then we're either figuring out ways to launch objects long distances into large crowds of...let's say for argument sake...Texas fans. If not that, then throwing last years computers out of windows, shouting "I can't make the fucking spinning cube, damnit!"
At least, that's my current theory.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to make a fucking spinning cube...damnit.