I (tentatively) have adopted another ferret. The father of a friend of mine at work purchased one for her son about a month ago; she expressed doubts then that he could take care of her (the weasel), and she was correct. She asked me to take her, which I am on a contingency basis; if the new ferret gets along with Popcorn, I'm fine keeping her. If she does not, I am not.
I took her home at lunch, let them see each other a bit; the baby is pretty hyper, we'll see how it goes.
She's a cutie, though.
I have another wicked sore throat from sleeping with the windows open BUT I DON'T CARE, ILU FRESH AIR.
In game news,
Sarth+3 is the hardest thing I've ever done, and healing 10 man makes me super emo. If I didn't know I was competent already, I'd /wrist. I'm also
"Astie the Undying", and I finalllly got a
Lost Jewel.