The Trek BBS forum has a repetition among Voyager fans as being somewhat anti Captain Janeway. They have a forum devoted to Trek Books there, where authors and Pocket Book editors read the posts and take part in the conversations. Today I found a pole there to vote whether to "Bring Back Janeway" or "Keep her dead". The pole will be open until May 7th but we need all the Janeway fans to go vote in this pole to Bring Back Janeway. This is a pole that will be noticed by people with connections to Pocket Books.
If you are a member of the Trek BBS (or if you don't mind becoming a member) please go to the pole and vote to Bring Janeway Back.
Here is the link Please go vote right now because with 59 votes the keep her dead option is leading two to one and I know that this is wrong, there are far more fans that want Janeway back than 19.