Saturday was a long day. I was pounced by children as usual, we ate breakfast as usual. We picked up the breakfast room and living room - even the small people helped - not so usual ;-) After that, we went upstairs to get dressed and go get small people haircuts. I promised them if they behaved there, we'd get hot chocolate afterwards. They did indeed do extremely well there, so as promised, we all went to the Starbucks nearby and they each got a hot chocolate and mommy got a Grande Latte - she needed it. I got them a giant cookie, and the barista neatly sliced it in half and presented each of them their very own half a cookie in their very own bag. (They liked that) She said they were about to toss the morning pastries, and if I wanted one, I could have one for free, so I got a tasty blueberry danish (I liked that).
We went home and fixed a quickie abbreviated lunch, since dessert had already been consumed, and I had a treat for them - I had picked up Cinderella II recently, so they got to watch that and then everyone took a much needed nap. I don't know *why* children get so cranky after they've been running for about 5-6 hours...
As evening fell, Hubby called! He had arrived safely and was on the road. Here I'd been bribing the small people to take their naps by promising them they could stay up till Daddy got home, and he was home well in advance of bedtime. Ah well, it worked, and I was for whatever reason thinking he'd be later than he was, so I wasn't intentionally trying to pull the wool over their eyes! Hubby brought them each home a little present...Rachel got a Webkins tree frog and Ryan got a new CD addon for the digital arts studio. Both things met with approval, and after the children got done joyfully dogpiling daddy, I drove us out to the fine establishment of the Golden Arches where we leaned back and watched them play. The novelty was just as strong, and when it was time to go, in Rachel's case at least, we had to remove her kicking and screaming. She sulked the whole way home and beyond. After they'd gone to bed, hubby played for me the CD that someone had recorded of the memorial part of the service for his Amma. Having only known her in her twilight years, it was fascinating to hear some of the things she had done throughout her life - things that I would have never guessed, but that definately spoke of her personality and character.
Sunday was a wonderful typical lazy Sunday, it was so nice to have Hubby home! We pretty much did nothing but wander around, play with small people, and enjoy the quiet. We watched Lost after the kids went to sleep. I am going to be sad when the 8th episode has come and gone. Even with the writer's strike over, it's going to take a while for most things to get going again, and this show moreso than most! There might not even be more this season :\ Eh well.
At least I have hubby back!