Feb 02, 2007 23:42
It's snowing again. Actually, it's pretty much been snowing every day for about three weeks now. On the rare occasion that we get blue skies, it means it will be freezing out because of the wind. I haven't been on either of my horses since Decememer and I have an intense longing for Spring.
I dropped Latin, on a random note. I couldn't handle the material. I told my professor that I'd take an easier course with him next Spring and he said that sounded great. Instead I am now taking a history course, US history from 1875- the present. It's all right... I made a friend.
I like my new campus well enough... I don't like how the classes are so big and that's probably something I'll always like about a Community College, but it's good enough.
I just finished adding a bunch of new content to my personal site. And, new announcements, I have become a fan of Heros, curtesy of hbthomas' urging. :) It's a wonderful show and I can't wait for the next episode.
Well, I must go. I'm tired and it's almost midnight. Ciao!