There's no image section this week, because I'm tired and don't have the patience to put one together. So anything that would be linked in the image section is now just included in the other section. Also, I know I missed a ton of Panic videos this week, so if you want more, go check out what
shiola_shiola has up.
met and transformed by
disarm_dBrendon gen; futurefic; pg-13
disarm_d has this amazing ability to make the static parts of life into something absolutely captivating. There is so much happening in this, and it's just... it's really gorgeous. Even if you shy away from gen... read this. Really.
Brendon's first solo CD sells some 500 000 units.
Green and Gray by
imntsayingPanic gen; pg
The emotions in this (especially with Spencer) feel very true-to-life for me.
It would be funny, how far Brendon skids across the floor when Spencer pushes him, if it weren’t for the totally shocked expression on Brendon’s face.
Manifesto by
ignipesimplied Panic GSF; pg-13
"Did you guys know we're all having sex with each other?"
A Time and a Place by
provetheworstBrendon/Spencer; AU; nc-17
The dialogue is perfect, and there's this overarching mood and tone that I can't quite explain but I love to pieces.
Brendon really likes Bruges.
Jon and Spencer Make a Porno by
foxxcubJon/Spencer, Pete/Patrick, Ryan/Brendon; AU; nc-17
"Think of it as, I don't know, donating plasma or something," Jon sighs.
If Work Permits by
make___gravesSean/Jon, also featuring Tom, Pete, and mini!Jon; r
Guys, this really, really made me laugh.
“Jon,” Tom asks, slowly, grey-blue eyes fixed on Jon’s like Jon's wielding an axe, or is about to be eaten by a bear, or has a small child in tow, “Jon, did you kidnap a child? …Oh, my God, dude. Did you go back in time and kidnap yourself?”
disarm_d wrote some
verse-drabbles. The one she wrote from the
Wrong Kind of Place verse is so many kinds of perfect, I don't even know what to say.
Read it here. Interview where Ryan claims Brendon put together a slideshow of his ass for Jon.
Panic launched their
new site.
Acoustic performance of "I Write Sins..." that is notable for the way Spencer's tambourine stick goes flying out of his hand, the faces he makes, Brendon's response, and the way Spencer pretends to throw the tambourine stand (and Spencer's arms). ♥!!!
9ITA Behind The Scenes from Buzznet, which
shiola_shiola is kindly providing downloads of.
Kerrang! Video Podcast (of mellow insanity?) Brendon and Spencer interview. Ugh, the interviewer is awful, and it's almost hilarious how supremely unhelpful the boys are. However, Brendon and Shane got a dog!
Panic in NME scans. Panic in Kerrang scans. Ryan interview, where he brushes off the notion that Brendon's shenanigans in Manchester were of any importance. (Brendon just likes to make a scene sometimes.)
A couple photos from an AP shoot. (Judging by the outfits, it seems like this is the same shoot that gave us the on-the-stairs and foot-of-the-bed shots? I like
this one so much better. The light! The smiles! Everything about Spencer!)
Ashlee is not ready to ride Pete's motorcycle with him. The two most recent
Motion City Soundtrack journals talk about Justin's film project - the one that Patrick's involved in.
More info about the Ne-Yo & Patrick Stump collaboration. It sounds really interesting, but also a little bizarre. (Did she poison the eggs?)
5 Questions: Joe Trohman More info about FOB's involvement with Sex Drive (the movie with Seth Cohen). (
FOB is currently
delayed in Chile, on their way to Antarctica, due to bad weather. You can play "I spy Tomrad!" while watching the videos :D
Pete updated
New Pete pictures. Patrick
updated his site. GCH material is sounding good, he worked on a surprise for HS fans, and he speaks a little about Obama.
From Nick's blog, because he loves blogging what his friends say and do:
patrick stump: how you doing man?
nicholas scimeca: pretty good. bummin on tax time. its like "hey remember that money you had? i spent it in iraq"
patrick stump: haha. yeah. exactly
nicholas scimeca: fuckin sucks. just makes me look for more work though.
patrick stump: makes me look for a better government.
He also uploaded a
picture of Pete DJing after Pete linked to his blog.
Nick also wrote a great post re:
posting self-portratis:
...By posting pictures of myself, I am also broadcasting the message, “It’s ok to be photographed even if you are not a model.” This may subtly influence people to post their own pictures; as a result, they will become more aware of their own image. As a result of that, they may learn to accept their unique physical traits as just that - unique traits - instead of flaws to be hidden. ...
adellyna put together a really fantastic post all about
Ryland for
Because of the above post, I saw
this video for the first time. Actor!Ryland, how so amazing? (It said "zombie" on my fuckin thing, I should have known...)
updated his lj to talk about playing a Spring Break show in Florida with Panic at the Disco.
Before we played, a girl saw me walking by and shouted, "Nice tights faggot!" The deepness of her profoundly intelligent outburst weighed heavy on my mind. The true 'kicker' was that the girl had paid money for a ticket to see our band but was unaware that I was a member of it. Alex and Spencer's clothes yielded similar responses. All seasoned with clever words like, "faggot" and "homo." Most of these same dudes asked to have pictures with us in the parking lot after the show. Things that make you go hmmm.
updated his blog with gorgeous self-portraits. Ever wondered what his bedroom looked like, or whether he really does own a million plaid shirts? Now you know!
In case you missed it, The Hush Sound's new album, Goodbye Blues is out!
Their new video:
Honey (so gorgeous, oh my god)
Behind the scenes:
Oh Hushies. (And a
FOE one!)
Video of them previewing Goodbye Blues.
Downloadable versions of the Bandwagons, courtesy of
psychodragon82. The Cab gives us a tour of their van, and Metro Station & We The Kings give us a tour of their bus! ♥___♥
Of course,
The Cab released "One Of THOSE Nights", from Whisper Wars. Featuring both Brendon and Patrick. NGH.
Photos from the Whisper War liner notes. They're amazing.