Today I:
- Spent 3+ hours on the phone with Patrick, discussing our show, that other show we did, and myriad other things only interesting to me, him, and maybe a couple friends of ours.
- Found a TD for our show, and emailed a couple freshman boys about acting in our show. Said boys have not emailed us back yet. Patrick and I are displeased.
- Bought 3 balls of yarn, so that I can finish the hat I'm working on, and then knit another one. Because after wearing this hat for literally three weeks straight, I decided I needed another one in green. And while at the yarn store I decided clearly I needed to do a third one in blue (the color is cooler than the picture shows). It's just a really perfect hat, what can I say? (YAY YARN.)
- Whined some more to people about the unfortunateness of The Mono.
- Did NOT do my lighting journals, work on my drafting project, study for my lighting exam, read any Shakespeare, or start my Shakespeare essay. This not-doing-schoolwork thing is kind of a problem.
Clearly I need to start being more productive. And/or spend less time knitting hats and talking on the phone with people in Minnesota. But maybe tonight, after seeing Tiny Kushner (!!!!) I can do some work for my classes. Or the show. Or both.
We'll see.