[Fic] Unseen Illusions: Dancing Mirage

May 08, 2009 16:03

Seeeeee I haven't totally forgotten about this! *slinks away in shame.*

Title: Unseen Illusions: Dancing Mirage (Featuring Hound)
Author: BitterEloquence
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 891
Pairings: Mirage/Hound
Summary: A series of vignettes and fics about the Autobot spy Mirage. Written for the 28 characters meme. Slash, various pairings and ratings abound.
Claim Notes: This was claimed by wyntir_rose
Additional Notes: Thanks to wyntir_rose for beta'ing (Yes I am HORRIBLE)
Warnings: Some reluctant strip-teasing and Mirage being a vengeful bastard.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters within, nor am I making any money off of this story. All I own are the twisted ideas floating around in my head.

“You’re twisted, you know that?”

“You’re the one who agreed.”

“If I’d know how fragging messed up your processor was I never would have agreed!”

“Not my problem you didn’t think to ask what the forfeit was.”

“I hate you.”

“No you don’t. Now less talk and more hip gyration.” And with that, Hound settled back into a chair and smirked up at Mirage.

The offended looking noblemech just bristled further. “This wasn’t part of the deal.”

“You’re the one who said you could sneak around me without getting caught. You’re the one who made the bet. So now you’re the one who gets to give me a sexy dance.” He came pretty close to gloating. Oh, he knew he’d pay for this later but for now, Hound intended on enjoying the experience.

“Here, I’ll even provide the tunes.” Grinning diabolically, Hound shifted to turn on the song he’d queued up just for this occasion. A high pitched scream intro’d Prince’s ‘Get Off’. It was wonderfully raunchy and just perfect for this.

“That is disgusting.” Still standing there wooden and stiff with outrage, Mirage glowered down at his lover.

“You promised.”

“I didn’t promise to….to degrade myself like this.”

“It’s not degrading. Besides, you’re sexy. Why shouldn’t I want to enjoy watching you move?”

“Hmph. Pervert.” Was that a small shift in his balance?

“Unless you don’t think you can do it.” Hound knew that was fighting dirty but he immediately got the reaction he’d been hoping for. That stung Mirage’s pride and his back stiffened as expected.

“Just shut up,” the Ligier growled, leaning over him with a hot look. Hound’s smile widened expectantly and he had to fight down a shiver when Mirage’s hands rested lightly on his shoulders. “Next time?”

“Hm?” Hound’s processor was already threatening to fog up, especially when Mirage’s hands slipped down to toy with his winch.

“Next time, I’m going to win and I’m going to tie you up with your own slagging winch you pervvy fragger.”

With that, Mirage shoved away from him and walked away with a sultry swagger to his hips. Hound’s optics darkened and he eagerly watched him.

“I look forward to you. But for now, less talk, more hip gyration.” He repeated voice a tad hoarse.

With one last indignant glare, Mirage started to move. He wasn’t a pleasure model and had certainly never had any real experience in such a ridiculous thing. But the Ligier’s innate gracefulness translated well to even a dance as seductive as this.

Hound certainly wasn’t complaining about his lack of finesse. He had not been lying when he called Mirage sexy and he watched, absolutely enthralled as the spy gyrated and hesitantly started to dance.

Seeing Hound so eager and blatantly admiring of him helped put some of Mirage’s more puritanical worries aside and he let himself get a little more daring. While he’d had some training in seducing a mark, he’d never had to lower himself to the ranks of pretending to be a pleasure bot.

A small, rather traitorous part of him was kind of enjoying the way his lover’s optics had darkened and the desire apparent on his features. Mirage was starting to forget why he was annoyed with Hound and a sudden evil thought occurred to him mid-step.

If Hound hadn’t been so befuddled, he might have noticed the diabolical smile on Mirage’s features as he sauntered closer to that explicit human song. The Ligier got steadily closer until he was within touching distance and he swiveled as his knees bent to lower him further. Hovering over the happy Jeep, Mirage slithered his hands up his thighs.

The green mech’s engine suddenly roared through a couple of gears. Mirage just smiled and turned to present his wiggling aft to Hound and his rather flummoxed expression. A whimper actually escaped the Jeep as his hands rose to settle on the Ligier’s gyrating hips.

He moved with the beat of the song, his body shifting erotically with Hound’s hands and he sent a smoldering look over one shoulder as the song wound down.

“Did you enjoy that?” Mirage breathed voice husky and sexy.

It took Hound’s lust-filled processor a moment to compute his words and he just nodded dumbly up at Mirage.

“Good. Because you’re not getting anything for a week after that stunt,” the former noblemech sniffed, pulling himself free of Hound’s grip. With a haughty look, the spy walked to the door, perfect willing to leave his lover overheated and revved up.

Hound just made an inarticulate noise when Mirage walked out. Fighting back a whimper, the Jeep sort of sagged into the chair. Fraggit, he’d known there was going to be a price to pay but that was just cold.

“Evil fragger. Guess I’ll just have to take of things myself.” The Jeep groused, processor slowly warming to the idea. With that sexy and wonderful sight of Mirage dancing in front of him saved to his memory banks, he should have any trouble getting into the mood after all!

Cycling air raggedly through his vents, Hound allowed one hand to stroke up his thigh where the whispery sensations of Mirage’s fingers lingered there and let his head fall back with a moan.

“I’ll get ‘em later…” And that was the last coherent thought Hound had for a while.
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