Christmas/New Years Drabbles

Dec 31, 2008 14:24

So I sent out pressies to some of my online buddies and inside the Christmas cards were little drabbles I whipped up for 'em. Unfortunately, I couldn't post this on Christmas since Canadian post apparently SUCKS and Wyntir only not just got pressies. >.> Soooo they're New Years drabbles. Yeah...*shifty*

For: CasusFere
Vortex and Swindle friendship

Unexpected Gifts

Swindle was working on his 'inventory status reports' aka the list of things he'd either stolen, swindled or even legitimately traded in the past few weeks (All for the good of the Decepticon Empire, of course) when a suspicious looking package landed in his lap.

The Jeep's optics flickered in surprise as he stared down at the plainly wrapped brown paper before looking up at a far too smug looking Vortex. Even with his battlemask on, the helicopter radiated smug self-satisfaction and the smallest Combaticon was immediately worried about the gleam in his visor.

"…..what's up, 'Tex?"

"That's not what you're supposed to say! You're supposed to open it, silly."

"What is it?" Swindle asked warily.

Vortex just tsked at him. "You're not supposed to ask what it is! You're supposed to open the slagging thing." His rotors twitched. Whether it was out of irritation or amusement, Swindle wasn't sure.

Deciding he didn't want to know, the munitions expert started to pick at and peel away at the 'present' carefully. Knowing that he was one of the psychotic helicopter's favorite mechs was a little reassuring. Surely Vortex wouldn't give him something like a bomb or would cause him any real harm.

Would he?

"It's not a dismembered head or a bomb is it?"

"Pfft. Like I would use the same gag twice," He sniffed and eagerly watched as Swindle unwrapped his gift.

As the Jeep opened up the box to reveal its contents, his optics grew even wider in surprise. For once, a genuine, expression showed on the consummate conmech's faceplates as he stared down at the top of the line weaponry shining and gleaming merrily up at him.

"Oh holy slag….'Tex…I think I might love you."

"Ewww…." Came the chopper's unenthusiastic groan.

"Commere you….lemme kiss you!" Grinning maniacally, Swindle leaped out of his chair and chased after a loudly-protested Vortex.

For: Cath
Ratchet & Wheeljack friendship

A Good Idea at the Time

He'd thought it was a good idea at the time.

But as with a lot of Wheeljack's 'good ideas', it didn't quite turn out the way he'd planned it. So instead of putting the finishing touches on a new multi-tool for Ratchet (with a new welding tool with ten times the power as before!), he found himself coming back online staring up at the far too familiar paneling of the med-bay ceiling.

Okay, so maybe adding those four extra capacitors was a bit of an overkill.

"You're online are you?" Ratchet suddenly appeared in his line of vision looking none too happy with him.

Wheeljack's vocal indicators flashed a pale chagrined orange. "Heya, Ratch."

"Don't you 'Heya, Ratch' me! What the slag were you thinking this time, Wheeljack?"


Ratchet's face clouded dangerously and the Lancia knew he had to explain quick.

"See, da humans have this holiday comin' up and it's all about giving gifts, right? So I thought I'd build ya a new multi-tool but it kinda blew up on me when I was testin' its welding capability an' it sorta overloaded."

To give Ratchet credit, he managed to contain his infamous temper even as the gears in his jaw ground together dangerously. "I see."

"Yer not mad at me?" Wheeljack asked almost disbelievingly.

"Oh, yes I am." he ground out.

"And yer not gonna weld me to the berth or reformat me into a waste receptacle?"

"Wheeljack?" Ratchet said, dangerously quiet.


"Don't give me any ideas."


For: stormsailor
Note: Kinda similar to Rusty's oh so happy Jazz/Raj mistletoe thingie but I wrote this one before she posted her photocomic. 'course, I <3 both pairings so it's double the fun. XP

Under the Mistletoe

Hound grinned to himself as he finished tying a bit of infamous human greenery to the hook he'd attached over the doorway of his quarters. Mirage was going to be there any 'click and he wanted things just right.

Still grinning, he turned to make sure the pleasant smelling candles he’d gotten from Carly were still lit and that the two cubes of high grade he’d procured were near at hand. Finally, Hound deemed everything was ready and all he could do now was wait.

Thankfully, Mirage was nothing if not punctual and less than a breem later, he was knocking on Hound’s door. Eagerly, the scout opened it and grinned at his lover as he moved to let him inside.

The moment Mirage stepped over the threshold however, Hound pulled him in for a deep and passionate kiss. Understandably a little surprised, it took the Ligier a moment to react but then he was kissing Hound back.

When they broke away, both mech’s engines were revving a little and Mirage shot a bemused look at the green mech. “And hello to you too.”

“Hi,” Hound greeted a little belatedly.

“Not that I’m complaining but what brought this on?” Still thoroughly bemused the spy reached out to trace the Jeep’s hood playfully.

Hound just grinned and shifted his optics upward to look at the dark green sprig hanging down from a bit of red velveteen ribbon.

“I don’t get it,” Puzzled, Mirage just looked at the greenery and back to Hound with a confused look on his face.

“It’s mistletoe.”

“...and that is what exactly?”

“It’s a plant.” Grinning smugly, Hound knew he was walking on thin ice.

“Yes, I noticed that. Just what is the significance of this plant?”

“Whenever two people, or mechs in our case, stand under it, they’re supposed to kiss.”

A light seemed to go off in Mirage’s optics and he grinned at Hound. “I see, well I think we should take a step back and try that again.” He was the one who pulled Hound in for another impassioned kiss this time.

For: _wilderness_
Pairing:: Red Alert/Inferno


"No, absolutely not." Red Alert had that firm, 'no slagging way you're going to convince me to move on the subject' tone in his voice.

Sadly, it was a tone Inferno was all too familiar with.

"Aw, come'on, Red. It's Christmas..."

"I don't slaggin' care what time of the year it is. For one thing it's a human holiday and for another it's a risk to security."

"How is it a risk to security? It's only a gift exchange."

"Only a gift exchange?" Red Alert asked archly. "You want everyone to exchange anonymous and wrapped 'gifts' with one another. The Decepticons could easily slip a bomb into one and send it to Prime or one of the command staff."

"It wasn't mah idea." Inferno protested weakly. He didn't add that Jazz had asked him to approach Red Alert since he stood the best chance of talking some sense into the neurotic security director.

"Of course not. This has 'Jazz' written all over it but if he thinks he can take advantage of the fact that we're lovers to slide a stupid idea past me like this then he's got another thing coming." All but vibrating with outrage, Red Alert had to cycle air through his vents raggedly to regain a modicum of composure.

"Red...." Concerned, Inferno reached out and pulled the Lamborghini in for a hug. Initially, Red Alert put up a weak struggle before begrudgingly sinking into the fire truck's arms.

Once his lover had calmed down, Inferno slowly pulled away. "Right, Ah'll tell Jazz ya ain't gonna approve his Secret Santa idea."

"Thank you," The smaller mech sniffed before turning his attention back to the monitors. Behind him, Inferno sneakily laid a small, colorfully wrapped gift on a bank of computers and slipped out.

"Inferno…?" Puzzled, Red Alert turned around to look for his absent lover and his optics fell on present. He considered the garishly colored package for a moment before a faint smile quirked up the corners of his lips.

Regulations stated all wrapped packages were subject to inspection by the security director. Smiling to himself, Red Alert reached for the present and began to unwrap it.

Regulations dictated he inspect all packages after all.

For: Wyntir_Rose

A Special Delivery

When Red Alert sharply informed him he had a package sitting in the security office. Smokescreen was a little confused. When he opened said package underneath the scruitiny of Red Alert's sharp optics, that confusion morphed into disbelieving fear and shock.

Dear Smokey,

Thought of you. Maybe next time we can try 'em out!



Being a master at hiding his thoughts and emotion, Smokescreen gave nothing away as he stared down at the energon cuffs nestled in bright golden and amethyst wrapping paper.

"What is it?" Red Alert asked suspiciously.

"Just someone's idea of a stupid joke." Smokescreen deftly hid the note from view as he flashed the Lamborghini a view of the contents.

" have some very strange friends."

" have no idea." Smokescreen sighed, excusing himself quietly from the security office. Once he made it back to his quarters, the Datsun carefully picked the cuffs up and eyed them narrowly.

Then he opened a very private and secure communications channel to the Combaticon and sent him a text only message.


Sure, only if I get to try them out on you. I can't believe you sent this through the mail! You know Red inspects all incoming packages!


Less than a breem later, he got an answering message.

Of course I knew, why do you think I did it? Was he there when you opened the package and please tell me you got a picture?


p.s.:Sure you can use them on me if I get to use them on your afterwards.


fanfiction- transformers

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