[Fic] G1: Obsession

Aug 05, 2008 11:48

Title: Obsession
Author: BitterEloquence
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 645
Pairings: One-sided Vortex/Hook?
Summary: Vortex has a new obsession and like everything dealing with this particular insane Decepticon, nothing good can come from it.
Notes: Thanks to my oh so wonderful beta stormsailor as always. Also, this is ALL casusfere's fault. She plays an amazing Vortex on an RP comm we're on and we've spent way too much time giggle over the idea of 'Tex developing an unhealthy obsession with my poor Hook's hands. *grins* So ya'll can all blame her for this nugget.
Warnings: Vortex's messed up mind at work, need I say more?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters within, nor am I making any money off of this story. All I own are the twisted ideas floating around in my head.

Passion is a positive obsession. Obsession is a negative passion.
-- Paul Carvel

It was his hands that drew Vortex to him; slender, graceful, almost delicate looking--but capable of such precise cruelty and artful destruction.

Not much else was particularly appealing about Hook. He wasn't handsome, and to the psychotic helicopter, the surgical engineer's arrogant and abrasive personality was just too much. There was only so much self-promoting posturing and tantrums he could handle before he wanted to find something to gag the silly Constructicon with.

All the same, being assigned to clinic duty as punishment and observing the crane at work was a pleasant distraction, even if it was supposed to be punishment detail. There was something deliciously twisted about a mech who refused to cut off the nerve centers just so he could watch his patient squirm and writhe in agony, and it appealed to a certain feral part of Vortex's programming. This was a mech who operated on many of the same levels as him.

"If you keep staring at me rather than at that spot on the floor, I'm going to weld you down to the table and turn you into my next project," Hook growled without looking up from rewiring Thundercracker's arm servo. To give the Seeker credit, he barely even flinched when the Constructicon operated on the exposed wiring and bared chassis with little regard for his patient's comfort.

Vortex merely smirked beneath his battle-mask and stared at Hook with the intensity of a cat eying a juicy mouse. "What are you going to do? Go tattle to Onslaught?" Oh, how he loved to bait this one. Especially when his fingers curled fractionally, tightening around the laser-scalpel he held.

Thundercracker let loose a quiet groan of pain.

"No, but I might show you the proper way to rewire someone's pain/pleasure centers. That hack-job you did the other day was a disgrace. You lost forty-six percent efficiency with all the latency and transmission errors because you couldn't slagging be bothered to learn the correct way to rewire a mech."

"It got the job done." Unconcerned, Vortex shrugged and continued to stare at those slender hands where they sat splattered with energon and coolant.

"If you want to call that butchery a 'job done.' Primus save me from dilettantes." He finished with Thundercracker and welded the arm closed with a new patch of metal. "There, now get outta my lab," the crane growled at the jet.

Thundercracker wasted no time in making a hasty retreat.

"You promise?" Vortex asked with a strange sort of intentness in his optic visor as he watched Hook clean his hands with a bottle of solvent.

"Promise what?" the surgeon shot the Combaticon a wary look.

"To show me how to properly rewire someone's pain/pleasure centers."

"What do you want, a first-hand demonstration?" the Combaticon growled.

"Yes," came that sibilant hiss. It had Hook pausing as a momentarily startled look flit across his faceplates. Mechs didn't usually volunteer for his medical demonstrations, after all.

"...maybe. But first you need to finish cleaning the lab. This isn't a vacation, it's supposed to be a punishment detail."

The helicopter nodded and continued to watch Hook's hands with that same fascination. His twisted mind was coming up with all kinds of scenarios in which those gracefully cruel fingers could eke the fullest amount of pain and pleasure from him. Vortex shivered and offlined his optics briefly. Fantasies of being at the mercy of those hands, of reaching out and turning the tables by crushing those hands until it was Hook screaming at his mercy overpowered the psychotic mech for a moment.

"...I'll hold you to that," Vortex finally said softly, the intensity and obsession in his voice enough to send an uneasy shudder through Hooks CPU.

What had he gotten himself into now?

fanfiction- transformers

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