Nov 02, 2006 12:46
So I thought I'd muse for a bit, because I've been nothing but non-stop go go go or nap nap nap depending on my energy level, and haven't really paused to feel whats going on other than the occasional squeee.
So lets focus. In one week I'll be moved north, well at least my stuff, and I'll be living with Ray. (It's only temporary while I find a place, everyone calm down). My cats will be down here with Bethany (sniff) and I will be trying to find a place to move them into, along with me and my stuff. The monday after, I start the new job, with the new people, in the new city.
Saturday I'm going to a funeral. My friend Peter killed himself in September, and they're having his funeral and first annual memorial BBQ this Saturday. ( Before you ask, he's been cremated, so it's not as wierd as you think that its taken this long).
There is another party Saturday night, or the possibility of saying goodbye to the Arclight by seeing The Prestige with my friend Eric. We'll see how I feel.
Tuesday is my last day at work. That just makes me giggle.
Wednesday is my party, which will have an astounding number of people attending. I'm pretty excited about that, I haven't seen some of them in a while, and I think it'll be a good sendoff. My friend Brittney is making me a gluten-free birthday cake too. Heehee. Yum.
So I'm excited, and tired, and stressed. Yet somehow, in all that, really not that scared. It's pretty cool. I think its gonna be good.
Yup. Life is good.