Feb 04, 2006 08:01
im embarassed/ashamed of everyone i know right now. lastnight was miserable. somehow everyone seemed to make an ass out of themselves.
the fucking fight that happened was the most inconciderate, disrespectful, shitty thing to happen AT MY FUCKING HOUSE, IN MY FUCKING APARTMENT COMPLEX AT FUCKING 2:00 IN THE FUCKING MORNING. jesse should go back to being straight edge. maybe jut maybe he would have thought out his actions out a little more before he made an ass of himself.
and i dont give a shit about crew or krew or whatever... you guys should have fucking stopped him. you should have used better fucking judgement guys. i mean but fighting is cool and all. and im sure you ak kids were provoked into doing that shit. oh wait...
i dont know what the fuck to say.
i cant sleep im so embarassed.
i really think we are going to get evicted.
im sorry to anyone/everyone that was here lastnight.
ugh, whatever.