(no subject)

Jan 05, 2007 20:37

Uh, there's lots of things I ought to be doing, including [redacted].

Instead, I am making another rec post.

Most of the stories I have bookmarked currently are Stargate: Atlantis.  I have actually never seen a full episode of SGA since the pilot,   Watching a show has never been a prerequisite for me being interested in seeing in slashed, however.  I have not actually read much fanfic for the shows I have really loved over the years.  I think I sort of missed the fandom boat by a few years; back when I was hardcore into shows like the X-Files and, um, Sisters--yes, god help me, yes--I was using the internet to do different things.  Plus, I was, and, actually, continue to be, to some extent, very secretive about the television I've loved.  Partly, I think, having isolated those interests off, I was not aware of how many fan communities there were--like, a girl could be into just about anything, no matter how random (Viper, anyone?  Syndicated for like three years?), and find other people who were, too.  I think, though, that smaller fandoms have really come to the fore in the decade or so since I've been netted up.  By the time I lighted on the X-Files and Star Trek, it was kind of too late to get into them, and I've never been much of a joiner, really; I am, alas, more of a dilettante than anything else.  Also, I didn't have the money to buy my first personal computer until I was 16 or so, and I really didn't want to have the fanfiction conversation with my parents.  So I read fanfic here and there when nobody was around, mostly MSR crap on Gossamer--I found a binder I'd made a long time ago of some of my favorite stories from that era, and my taste was really, incredibly wretched.  I cringe at my younger fannish self.

Anyway--this isn't meant to be representative in any way, just some particular favorites by particularly well-known authors. These are the stories that got me into SGA slash.

MVP, speranza
Sheppard/McKay, NC-17
But his days were pretty much the same. He got up alone, ate breakfast alone, and then went down to the labs, where he yelled at everybody to get them back on track before going to Elizabeth's senior staff meeting at ten. Zelenka would be there, and Teyla, and sometimes Ronon, and of course, Sheppard would be there, drinking coffee and looking skeptical. Sometimes they went on missions, and Sheppard would risk his life in incredibly stupid ways to protect the rest of them, and Rodney would grit his teeth and force himself to look away, ignoring the voice in his head that whispered, likely to engage in acts of reckless self-disregard.

Your Inevitable Unhappy Ending, helenish
Sheppard/McKay, NC-17

"You mean no, as in, I'm screwing it up and you're going to move out, or no, like, I'm the great love of your life and you're going to stop telling me beautiful stories about all the times you screwed women over?"

"You're the great love of my life," John said. The cider was stronger than he'd thought.

"Look," Rodney said. "Bring over some more of your stuff."

"I have everything I need," John said.

"You don't even have all your clothes."

"I meant, in a romantic way, jackass," John said.
"I knew that," Rodney said.

Touch, astolat
Sheppard/McKay, NC-17
"What, so I've been letting Rodney get away with this because I wanted a hug?" John said, annoyed.

"Get away with?" she said.

John remembered that he really hated shrinks.

stargate: atlantis, recs, sheppard/mckay

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