Apr 11, 2008 11:33
So, intrigued by my dear Casi's ire at the feminist "Firefly" rant I decided that I would leave a comment for the idiot who wrote it. But, she has it set up so that only friends can reply, because she is too chicken shit to accept real criticism. So, for your reading pleasure, please find the comment posted here. So, _allecto_, this is for you. Hopefully you have the spine to take some real criticism, and the brain to read this. Oh, and for your friend who praised your fear and ignorance, but shows herself represented by "the little mermaid", cute. Hopefully the irony of that is not lost on you.
So, every man who is physically attracted to the woman he loves is a rapist? Or is it just that every man is a rapist? So every woman who is possessive of her lover a rapist as well? All i am seeing in your blog is that every woman should approach every man as a rapist, and that every woman should think nothing better of our fellow humans (because after all, men are humans, not some secondary race, or maybe you think they are,). I'm sorry that the men in your family were all abusers, and I'm sorry that you can't look past that. I guess I am lucky that I grew up with women who were evil to their husbands as opposed to the other way around, but I suppose that is okay and deserved? It seems like you have a good brain in your head, and it is a crying shame for you to waste it on this issue, you seem smart enough to tackle something that matters. Like the gender issues that actually exist and are not rooted in a fictional world. (because, let's not forget, that Firefly is FICTION) Also, playing on the constant victim card (which is what you are showing all of the women in this series to be) does nothing but damage feminism,(such as it exists, and I proudly call myself a feminist) it implies that women are not smart or strong enough to be anything else, and simply shows that women and men ARE different, when in fact, except for a few negligible details, they are not. Men are not inherently evil. Women are not inherently better. Men are not inherently better. Women are not inherently victims.
And yes, I am female, and straight, who has never had a heterosexual roommate, and who was raised by a male feminist. So perhaps you should look outside the society you have encsconced yourself in and check with some folks in the real world too.
I doubt she'll read this. Then she would have to accept that she's not brilliant, or correct. And she would have to accept that not every woman is going to greet her drivel with a "Right on sister!" I am so sick of women who are too scared of their own shadow to truly be the powerful beings that they claim they are, they can be powerful in their little societies without penis, but are terrified of showing their power when men are around. I almost prefer idiotic men to scared women. At least idiotic men have an awareness of their own self-worth.
drowning in estrogen