A wish that the year may get better, and fic!

Jan 08, 2007 18:20

It's been rather spectacularly dismal start to the new year, by any measure, but a bright spot amidst all the horrible badness is that my story for fem_exchange got posted recently. Rereading it to check for any egregious errors cheered me up because it's totally fluffy, and also because it's garnered some really undeservedly lovely comments.

I'm pretty sure anyone who has ever read anything I've written will be able to spot my story quickly, on account of the length, pairings and juvenile humor inherent in the title. If you need help, let me know and I can provide you with the actual link. :)

And I'd also like to plug the fact that a very kind and still anonymous author wrote me Dislike, a hilarious and adorable Pansy/Ginny story that features some quality canon-grade snarking (and non-canon smut), just what I wanted!

It's been a really fun exchange, in spite of (or perhaps because of) its small size, so I encourage anyone even remotely interested in femmeslash to add the community to their backlog of holiday exchange reading. I'm still returning from LJ hiatus enforced by real-life happenings, and have a huge amount of reading that I'll eventually catch up on. Someday.

But not now, because I am totally done procrastinating and will get back to my enormous pile of work!

ETA: My story was written by the amazing fest organizer, who not only took the time to make the gift-exchange happen (involving tons of gently harassing people like me who were late with their fic), but also wrote multiple stories in it! I am in awe of confiteor_3! Thank you again!


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