Who doesn't love a wedding?

Apr 18, 2006 23:11

I'm certainly a sucker for weddings. I've been reading a lot of wedding-featured fics for a variety of pairings. In no particular order, my favorites are:

- Decemberween by lunarennui. An absolutely hysterical Harry/Draco marriage of convenience fic, in which Dobby, the Giant Squid, Ginny, and Millicent Bulstrode are the cast of jilted lovers trying to tie Harry and Draco down in matrimony. Humor at its very best. Do not let squicky house-elf pairings turn you off from this!

- Something Tarnished, Something Wet, Something Plum-Coloured, and Something Donkey by orpeche. An absolutely adorable Harry/Draco fic that's recommended for its absolutely brilliant wit as it dissects all the traditions for a wizarding wedding. Fantastic humor.

- Brilliant Match by mamadebfic. Very funny Harry/Draco story, where not everything is as it seems, and where it takes Hermione (of all people!) a while to get it. Hermione/Ginny femmeslash if you squint!

- Strelsau Waltz by ellid is a fantastic Draco/??? fic that I recommend for a really adorable romance-novel plotline, only with more slash and hotter sex. Best of all, though, I love the vibrant atmosphere that the author captures, with the premise that the Malfoys are aristocrats in exile in a fictitious eastern European country. Very cute but not cutesy, heartwarming yet hot, and isn't that JUST what we want from a wedding fic? Romantic and witty. *swoon*

-The Worst Happiest Day Of His Life by Amanuensis. Wonderfully entertaining Harry/Draco honeymoon snarkage! Hot and angry sex!

- We Blaze Away by marginalia. Bill/Oliver, extremely sweet and romantic, causing actual tears.

- As Morning Shows The Day by dorrie6, a highly adorable Harry/Ron ficlet that I really like for nailing the feeling that being married is like the final fronteir to being grownup.

- Quite Matter-Of-Fact, Actually by sihleira. Sweet Christmas-y Ginny/Pansy wedding fic. Awww.

- Revenge of the Brides by courtneykathrys. Emergency Pansy/Hermione elopement to escape the wrath of power-hungry wedding planners Draco/Ginny.

- Society Pages by katemonkey. If the previous fics were too romantic for you, consider this Pansy/Lavendar fic to be the cure. It's the least romantic wedding ever, but, they do ever nail the snark.

Of course, if I'm missing any good HP wedding fic, even nonslash, let me know!

And, on an unrelated note, a Ginny/Pansy recommendation:
- Rose Scented by spectacular . A lot of girlslash is really dark and angsty and tortured, and Pansy-containing girlslash especially so. This fic does remain delightfully canon in its starting points, but still manages to be happy, in a realistic and non-saccharine way. I particularly like how completely it traces the arc of a relationship in a very sparse way that nevertheless gives you a very clear idea of what's been going on.

ginny/pansy, recs, harry/draco, weddings

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