First I thought, it must have been goth night, or something.

Jun 13, 2007 23:46

OMG, does anyone know how hard it is to have a nice, normal, gay scooter club meeting and ride around the lake on your adorable gay scooters, when suddenly legions of the undead start pursuing you and you don't even have windows or doors to lock?

I am going to have the hardest time getting the gristle out of my tire grooves in time for Pride! But I stopped by at the video store and rented an Almodovar and a Jackie Chan, yay, so we'll be entertained, even if the rental fees might add up by the time this whole zombie apocalypse thing blows over.

And isn't it lucky I spent last weekend canning so we totally have a lot of delicious fruit preserves to avoid scurvy when we run out of refrigerated fruit and vegetables, in like a week? I am totally going to start a new comm, nozombiehomemkr, since slashyhomemaker hasn't updated today and I fear there may be none left. Defeating the assault of evil, brain-sucking minions of evil, one helpful household hint at a time!

I totally refuse to become a zombie! I am so a vegetarian. No, cheating with sushi doesn't mean I'm willing to cheat with human brains. Although, I suppose Martha might have some tips to make the ritualistic sucking out of brains a more dignified and special occasion... then I suppose I might reconsider.

I'm only doing this because it's late enough that everyone's probably seen the explanation before, because I'd hate to spread apocalypse panic, but in case you haven't, clicky the link

blablablah, memes

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