Another Percy/Oliver rec

Mar 19, 2007 11:31

So, I am often of the school of thought that some of the sexiest things to read about are often not actual sex, and I have a rec that brilliantly proves this point:

Precision Speaking by crawfords_lover, very soft R.

Honestly, in a very short space blindmouse has perfectly distilled down the entire experience of suffering from a tormented hopeless crush, including that glorious moment when you realize it might not be hopeless after all. It's sweet without being saccharine, adorable without being fluffy, and poetic without being purple. Besides the brilliant writing, I especially adore her characterizations of Oliver (the narrator) and Percy (the very carefully observed), and wonder how long it will take them to produce an actual conversation.

I defy anyone to read this and not flail with joy, and since it's only 1500 words, you have no excuse for not brightening your day considerably. Highly recommended ... even for those on the flist who think I'm a bit insane with my fondness for the pairing!

percy/oliver, recs

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