What Eloise Did On Her Weekend To Liverpool - the Squee mix

Oct 08, 2006 23:09

What I did on my weekend to Liverpool.

By Eloise Bright. Age 37 and a quarter.
(subtract 30 for approximate mental age)

I will post calmly, and in more detail, about the complete brilliance that is Arthur Miller's "All My Sons", and the utter tour de force that was Mr. Denisof's performance, but this post is reserved for silly fangirl squee.

Things that disappointed me about my weekend.

- During my three hour wait at Belfast Airport, I did not meet and hug Jeffrey Dean Morgan, as had been prophecied in my dream last week. Honestly, Jeff, did you not read my LJ entry? I'm not impressed, Jeffrey Dean. Shame on you for breaking a fangirl's heart.

- During my three hour wait at Liverpool John Lennon Airport, I did not meet and hug Alexis Denisof. Honestly, Alexis, I thought we agreed during our backstage chat that we would have a secret tryst in Starbucks. No, wait, that was one of my sick fangirl imaginary conversations.

Things that made me go squee:

- I got to meet up with lonelybrit and princess_s on Friday night, and it was fanbloodytastic. We did drink wine, and squee muchly.

(Addendum: The squee was mainly SPN squee, and princess_s and I almost melted poor LB's brain with our incessant squee. Repressed squee finally expressed can seriously damage your friend's mental health.)

- Wine is good. I am a lightweight. I talk a lot when I'm drunk. About Supernatural. And how much I want John to spank Dean. God, girls, I'm so very very sorry. *headdesk*

- 0500 hours is an interesting time to finally go to bed. And 1130 hours is far too early to be up.

- Hotel bathrooms can be cute. But the shower is not big enough for Sam. Or even one of Sam's hands.

- The stage door of the theatre is very very accessible.

- Alexis Denisof wears his glasses when he's not working.

- meeting up unexpectedly with the lovely bcassie was so fantastic! And uncannily she ended up in the seat next to us. *hugs bcassie*

- meeting alexis_fan was great - Wesfans are the nicest people.

- Alexis Denisof is the best actor in the world. (this is not news, people)

- This production of 'All My Sons' was the best play I've ever seen. The whole cast was amazing.

- Michael Byrne (the mean Nazi who slaps Sean Connery's face in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) was stunning as Joe Keller, the patriarch of the family.

- Alexis rocked the stage, stalls, circle, gods and the world with his performance of Chris Keller, the idealistic younger son of Joe. I know I'm biased, but his performance was simply magnificent. The depth of emotion, the thought and detail he put into this character was evidenced not only by his delivery of his lines, but the physicality of his performance. Every movement was perfect. When he broke down and sobbed into his mother's lap at the end of the play, I was crying too. (quietly)

- Alexis Denisof is the most gracious, polite, sweet guy ever. He came out after the show, and signed autographs, which he offered to personalize - To Eloise, Best Wishes, Alexis Densiof - and chatting about the play and thanking us for coming. THANKING US for coming. Oh, Alexis, we wouldn't have missed it for the world.

- Getting a photograph taken with Alexis is a fun activity. He puts his arm around you and pulls you close and his smile just beams out of his face and you melt like a puddle of melty stuff. And then he asks if the photograph is alright, and would you like to take another. OH ALEXIS - you are LOVELEEEEEEEE!!

- Apparently, one night isn't enough to get all the SPN squee out.

- I should not be allowed to drink double measures of G&Ts. In hotel bars. And then discuss John spanking Dean fics. *headdesk times infinity*

- 0200 hours is a more reasonable time to go to sleep.

- There are some fabulous SPN mpreg stories that I have not yet found. And some John Mpreg fic that has not yet been written. I'm particularly partial to the John/Jim/Caleb one, where John gives birth to triplets, and Sam and Dean are overjoyed at having three daddies and three wee brothers. (we were terribly, terribly drunk)

- I may possibly end up going to the SPN Con thing in Coventry. princess_s is very very persuasive. Plus, Jared and his giant hands, and his puppiness and his tendency to giggle and be great fun. Can I resist? I have planted the seeds in hubby's mind...

- Alexis Denisof is a god. Worth mentioning more than once, methinks.

- lonelybrit deserves a medal. Or a week of SPN squee detox at a Franz Ferdinand concert.

Now that I've got that out of my system, I'm still trying to recover from watching SPN ep 2.02.

I have no words yet. I shall perhaps post about it when I've found my heart and stitched it back into the sucking wound in my chest.

I've been away two days and my flist has exploded - so if you wrote fic or 2.02 meta, link me to the good crack. Thanks!
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