Fic and Vid Recs, 15 minuteficlet - Breaking Apart

Aug 21, 2006 00:19

Couple of things to post today.

Fic Rec first. Another dodger_winslow special.
I can't even begin to describe all that is wonderful about this fic, just that it is future fic, and is funny and heartbreaking and clever and just so real. It's a long one, WIP, and she's posted 6 parts already.

To Everything A Season - this links to part 1, and the other parts are in her memories, though you have to hunt around a little. But Oh, SO worth it.

Second, a vid. I have been watching this one steadily on YouTube for about four days now. Sometimes you can't make it on your own by jensengurl.

It's about Sam and Dean's relationship, and how Sam is there for Dean too. I find the ending a bit out of character with the rest of the piece, but hell, I love this U2 song, and she makes good use of clips and lyrics. And there's lots of "Faith" Dean in hospital. *is shallow*

And I did the 15minuteficlets challenge. This one just hit me when I saw the word.

TITLE: Breaking Apart
RATING: PG13 (gen)
CHARACTERS: Dean, Sam and John
SPOILERS: set during Dead Man's Blood
NOTES: 285 words. Dean POV. Sam always knows which buttons to press.

It doesn’t take long.

It never did, not once Sammy turned into Sam, with all that high strung teenage angst. Dad tried to knock it out of him, made him train harder, pushed him so that he’d be too physically tired to give him any shit, but Sam was stronger than they gave him credit for. Or just more stubborn, maybe.

But Dean’s got to hand it to him; Sam knows which buttons to press. That shortcut to the edge of Dad’s temper. And Dad doesn’t even try to resist, just falls back into the old pattern of orders and recriminations.

They’re toe to toe, and Sammy’s in Dad’s face, yelling, for fuck’s sake. Sam’s too close, maybe, to see the change in Dad’s body language, the tension in his hand as it wraps around Sam’s jacket and then pulls.

Dean moves before he’s properly processed what his move should be, all he knows is Dad’s fist and Sam and that’s enough.

He shoves them apart, and it takes real force. They’re both taller than him, and Dean’s pretty sure that Dad could still take him down if he wanted to. He’s not so sure about Sam, though.

He breaks Dad’s hold, and gets in front of Sam, blocking him with his own body.

“That means you too.” Quietly, to Dad.

Dad stares at him, and Dean lifts his chin, won’t break gaze. Waits for whatever is coming, because better it be him than Sammy.

And Dad backs down, turns away and walks back to the truck, fury evident in the tight angles of his shoulders.

Sam simmers in the Chevy, swearing softly under his breath.

Dean stands between them, as they break apart.

Prompt #165 was hold

15 minute fic, post dead man's blood, supernatural fic, spn season 1, oh dean

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