Me and
mlle_petal have had our first 'disagreement'. I swear she's trying to look over my shoulder while I write this.
I kind of tried to discreetly hide my entry by jumping and pressing my breasts against the monitor as she passed. She just said Sam am I allowed to eat on your couch (sofa)?
It all started when I fucked up with the chinese order. I forgot her order. Her and Cocknose went to get it and when it was unpacked hers wasn't there. I was ready to ring and shout down the phone but they insisted on checking what I had written in case I had forgotten to write it down correctly and it was in fact MY fault.
I wanted to ring and shout anyway. They got all annoyed with me and wagged their fingers so to redeem myself I offered to cook Poodlebum some yucky yummy veggie grill things.
You know me flist, I'm a crap cook, so when I dished these things up, I warned her they might not be quite cooked and to let me know if she detected a hint of coldness.
Apparently they still had ice in the middle BUT she still tried to eat them. WTF?? I jumped on her and whipped them away screaming about tummy bugs and ecoli. She said they were fine to eat.
I beg to differ.
So my lovely flist here is a poll and you better be on my side so I win.
Poll Can you get an upset tummy by eating frozen food? So I know a lot of you are anxious to hear how my new job has gone. Well it kicks arse. I bleedin love it. I am very busy and very important. Gone are the days where I will be whinging and making death threats about my boss. Its almost sad. And I like writing clipped sentences. I have done 12 hour days daily this week but its flown by. Only pimple on my bottom was worrying about leaving
mlle_petal so long alone with my family in case of permanant damage. But she cleaned my mirrors. Yes she did..she was checking my spelling and she added that..they shineee..I like shiny things.
Actually, talking of
mlle_petal I think I will post a photo of her. I'll just set the scene..I was on the computer (heh) and she was sitting next to me. I got bored with what I was doing (sorry
teh_hoz I was looking at your website) and decided to annoy attract her attention. I like to be the center of attention instead of the telly. I wondered what I could do, so as I am a wise woman, I decided to make a noise like I was choking to death, really gasping and gulping, in the hope I would capture her traumatised, concerned expression as she looked round to see what was wrong with me.
If you haven't voted yet maybe ths photo will sway your vote in my favour.
So flist. Life is good. I love my job, i love my family, I love
mlle_petal, I love wine and cigarettes still but I am trying not to.
Just on a side note if
crimson_ghoste tells you I had a poo stain on my new nightie from where I scratched my bottom when I was on webcam, its a lie.
That is all.
Oh just one day is not complete until I terrify a complete stranger. Welcome to my LJ
orinjuse ETA: this is petal, having petal's obligatory last word. ummmm, it wasn't really spammy's fault that i didn't get takeway - i didn't tell her the number. because there are numbers. um? but! you cannot get bacterial diseases from eating frozen food! they were cheese patties, and i tried to point out to sam that cheese is made from the same principal ingredient as icecream, which is eaten frozen without causing food poisoning, but she said that was different. i'm not sure why :)
also, i need help from someeone who has Half-Blood Prince. at the end, does Harry get sent back to the Dursleys, or does he get told that he never has to go back there? it's imperative that i find out asap, because if he doesn't go to the Dursleys then the one hundred words or so of fic i wrote this morning are totally uncanon :)
umm, that's all. i must go cos i have to wee something chronic. bladder. hurting.
eloisasnape is the sexiest, beautifuliest, most lovely person in the history of LJ evar.