on memes and packratting and other things

Oct 23, 2010 21:45

☆ Meme Time ☆
 Hey all!  I just posted the giveaway post, so come and check it out!  It's... the first of way too many, haha.  I am such a pack rat.  All my life people have called me messy... but really, it's just that I have far too much stuff most of the time.  I never throw anything away.

So, I'm still working on the pictures meme answers!  I haven't forgotten about it, despite how it might seem, haha.  In addition to that one - or in connection with it?  -  I've decided to include this meme.

Ask me any question about myself, whether casual or personal. I will answer all of them to the best of my ability, either here or in another post. (note: most likely here?) Anonymous comments are welcome, as are signed-in comments. Feel free to get as silly or serious as you'd like.

(this is krysti_ryou with a name change)
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