Where Words Fail, Music Speaks (2/14)

Jan 21, 2011 16:18

Title: Where Words Fail, Music Speaks (2/14)
Author: Elocineel
Fandom: The L Word
Pairing/Characters: Tibette
Rating: NC-13
Summary: Tina's with Henry, can Bette get her back?
Disclaimer: Want. Do not have, sadly.
Word Count: 1574
Spoilers: None

A/N: 2nd chapter, this was my first fanfiction, and I'm ridiculously attached to it.. Is it that way for everyone? Oh well.. now that I'm reposting it here on LJ, it's like reliving it all again. Either way, I hope whoever-it-is that actually reads my journal enjoys it.. :)

It was 230am in the morning, for some reason, Bette had been unable to sleep. Neither had Tina. It was uncanny how these two former partners were still so in tune with each other. Tina was still thinking about her upcoming nuptials to Henry and Bette was thinking about the exact same thing.

"I know I still love Tina, and I definitely want her back. How do I go about doing that though? I messed up big time, enough to forever scare Tina away from lesbians. Damn but I royally screwed things up!" Bette thought, running her hand through her unruly curls.

"Am I really going to go through with the wedding? I know I did that partly because Henry has been pressuring me and also because I want to see Bette's reaction. But Bette hasn't done anything, does she even still care? I know she's been drinking every night and working herself to death. I hope she's eating." Tina said inwardly, not wanting to wake Henry up.

"When she announced her engagement to Henry, all I wanted to do was to jump over and rip that bastard's guts out! How could I though? It isn't my place to do so; I don't even have the right to do so. I was the one who ripped her heart out in the first place. So what gives me the right to judge her or even try and get her back?" Bette reasoned.

"When I made the announcement, all I wanted was a reaction from Bette, a flinch, a cringe, anything! There was nothing though, just a cold and unfeeling marble figure. It's almost as if she shut herself down emotionally. Oh, but I still love her so much, if only she would do something! I know we have issues, but I, I just want her to want me again." Tina confessed to no one in particular, by this time, in the kitchen sipping a glass of cold water.

"Does she even want me to want her back? I mean, she kept looking at me when she made the announcement, or did she want to spite me? No, no, that's not the Tina I know and still love. Tina would never lower herself to something like that. So she did want me to say or do something? And yet I didn't? It was so hard to just sit there and listen to everyone congratulating her. I just wanted to tell them shut the fuck up and go over and kiss the hell out of Tina. Maybe that would have wiped the smug look off Henry's face. Somehow I don't think Step Off Bitch would have worked on him!" Bette mused and then giggled to herself at her last thought.

"Heck, who do I think I'm trying to kid. Why would Bette bother trying? All those times she tried to talk to me, I've either ignored her or slammed the door in her face. I haven't exactly sent out the most welcoming of signs. And I guess the engagement announcement was like the last nail in the coffin right? What have I done? Bette could read my mind so well last time, but that was only when I was talking to her or looking at her. Now? I haven't seen her in at least a month! Oh God, Bette if you can hear me now, please please try again, I'll definitely not give you the cold shoulder! God, please send her a sign!" Tina prayed fervently.

"Oh heck, it's too early to think so much. I hate this time of the day, its neither time to sleep nor time to wake up. It's No Man's Land. Kind of like where I am now with regards to Tina huh? Irony's a bitch. Let's just switch on the radio and try to sleep again. Let's see, oh Tina's favourite channel. Can't hurt, maybe it'll give me an epiphany, just like Kit's song choice did." Bette concluded.

"It would take a miracle for that to happen. Oh well, I don't really feel like going back to face Henry again, maybe I should switch on the radio and try to go back to sleep." Tina sighed while reaching for the radio.

Immediately, a soothing melody filled the air.

I shouldn't have walked away
I would've stayed if you said
We could've made everything OK
But we just
Threw the blame back and forth
We treated love like a sport
The final blow hit so low
I'm still on the ground

"I'm still reeling over how fast it happened. How did we deteriorate so rapidly? If only she asked me to stay, if she opened her mouth, I would have stayed immediately, no questions asked." Both Bette and Tina thought.

I couldn't have prepared myself for this fall
Shattered in pieces curled on the floor
Super natural love conquers all
'Member we used to touch the sky

"We used to be the power couple of WeHo, everyone wanted to be us. Now we're like a failed legend, no one believes in that kind of love anymore. What happened to us?"

And lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry

"My heart broke into so many pieces when we were apart. We were given true love, I believe ours was true. And we did let it drift. We were so distant, even before Candace, where did we go wrong exactly? We need to talk, this hurt has to stop."

C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry

"Maybe it just needs some resuscitation? More effort on my part? Maybe I need to do a grand gesture to get Tina back?" Bette mused.

"Oh as long as Bette does anything, I'll give her a chance." Tina thought.

I thought we'd be forever and always
You were serenity
You took away the bad days
Didn't always treat you right
But it was OK
I do somethin' stupid
And you still stay with me

"Oh I loved coming home everyday to see her there waiting for me, sleeping with her in the same bed, it made me feel so relaxed, so at peace. I miss those days. She looked over all of my flaws, and accepted me for who I am." Both Bette and Tina sighed.

But you can only go for so long
Doing the one you claim to love wrong
Before too much is enough
You look up
Find your love gone

"Oh gosh, this is so true. Oh Tina, what did I do? How could I sacrifice our true love for a meaningless fuck?" Bette said aloud.

We were so good together
How come we could not weather
This storm and just do better
Why did we say goodbye

"Why indeed?" both mused.

'Cause lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Now every night
I feel the angels cry

C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry

Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you

"Oh Bette, I am reaching for you, if only you knew how much I miss you right now."

Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you

"Oh Tina, would you reject me if I tried? Please don't, I need to try, if not I'll regret it for the rest of my life."

Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
But we let it slip
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry

Oh babe, the angels cry

Tina sat there on the couch, feeling a little silly. After all, what were the chances of Bette coming for her again? Bette was so desirable, she definitely could find more than one person willing to take over Tina's place. She was just being sentimental. Besides, her marriage to Henry would ensure she didn't have to constantly prove herself to society. Tina was tired, so tired from fighting.

Bette sat there on the lounger, smiling to herself. That song had been an epiphany, she now was surer than ever what she was going to do: Get Tina back at all costs! She loved Tina so much, she just had to try. Now what exactly was the best way to do it? Bette was sure she would be tongue tied when she saw Tina, so it would be better to write a letter? That's right, she would write Tina a letter. Pour all her heartfelt emotions into it and try to convince Tina. In fact, she knew just the right song to convince her!

"It's ON Henry, just you wait. You never had a claim on my woman, wait till you see Bette Porter in full force! I won't even need to tell you to step off, you'll run first!!" Bette smirked to herself.

fanfiction, wwfms, tibette

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