Feb 01, 2005 17:49
So went to school today as i do everyday lol nothing odd there lol so we everything was going great then we had socology where if you are a man then its a bad place to be in the words of a friend of mine after that class the little guy needs some cheering up lol. So went to sociology and there was and aids lecture which was kind of boring becasue i did biology hello i can draw you an aids virus and explain its entire replication process but any ways. Then there was a condom demo lol with a gaint plastic penis kinda funny but not really casue who hasnt done sex ed but then there was tips on how to make a condom feel more natural and pelsuralable and such i had to bite my tounge to stop from laughing. So after the lecture i asked him some questions about diffrent subjects involing cocktails which are powerful toxic antiretrovirial drugs and how they can total destroy the aid virus is it is caught with in the first 48 to 24 hours but this is only given to doctor or nurses that stab themselfs on a needles which is compeltely on fair really but what can you do theres more to put in here about how the goverment wont allow it and things do that it has to be name brandname drugs but any ways after my question he was like you know alot then gave my condom lol its HOT ORANGE and flavored lol and it amuses me.
So any ways going to out paitents tonight to see about my knee and haveing it fixed as soon as possible casue this no karate thing is annoying me so much. So i'm goign to read wurthing heights while i'm there to get ready for my test so any ways thought i'd give an update.