(no subject)

Aug 15, 2005 02:23

Four months since my last entry. That's what happens when you're heads down trying to ship a product for Christmas.

Until my project was officially announced, I couldn't write anything about it, so I was looking forward to summer's E3 when the Xbox 360 would be unveiled. E3 came, but right around that time my dad's youngest sister passed away and blogging about an electronic toy seemed shallow.

So... been heads down all this time. Ok, there's the little diversion of World of Warcraft where I got a hunter to level 60. On a PvP server. Yeah. And three weeks ago we had part one of Mark's bachelor party at Corb's house, where drinks were drank and poker was played. I skipped part two in Cabo San Lucas the next week as I had too much work to do.

Yesterday (Saturday) I slipped into my suit and (after googling how to tie a half windsor) headed out to a farm in Fall City for Mark and Rebecca's wedding. It was a beautiful afternoon, if a tad warm, and the ceremony was wonderful. Mark and Bec's two (very happy) yellow labs were part of the procession. (I was also curious how they'd conduct a ceremony for Mark, an avowed atheist, and Bec, who's more of a "dogs go to dog heaven" irreligious type.)

The best part of the ceremony for me was Bec's vow, when she declared "I do not need you. I choose you." I thought it was a bold and powerful thing to say. Bec is not a feminazi by any stretch and her manicured nails and passion for pink are a testament to that. But she has a strong independent spirit and I really like that about her. On the surface, her statement seems a horribly unromantic thing to say at a wedding, but I think it was the most profound and honest statement in the ceremony and ultimately the sweetest. In movies I dig the "you complete me" Jerry McGuire sentimentality, but in the real world I don't. Stuff like "I can't live without
" isn't love, it's dependence. And that's not a good foundation for a lasting relationship. A conscious choice is.
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