Sir Has 20, I Suggest You Should Stay

May 02, 2004 12:23

first and foremostly-


well, now that out of the way i can go on with the update:

Went to the casino thursday night. So many bright and shiny flashy things. If we can all recall my first post, i am always taken in by bright and shiny flashy things. Off you go, check, i'll just wait for you....

First Post...

Thats the one on the bottom there, see it?

Right at the bottom

See, ye of little faith

I missed a bit, first we were at Alex's having a feer brewskies. Carl had a fair few there. Remember that fact. We then caught a taxi into the city, which was interesting. Most of the guys were drunk, so they were singing the whole way in there. I tried to get "Thge sound of music' going, but for some odd reason it didnt quiet take off the way i expected it. So we got into crown, heaed to the sports bar for a few pre-gambling drinks. Then Alex took me to play roulette. Man we rocked that table, we both put $20 in, and we left with $75 each. Go team! Back the the bar for a few, celebration drinks. Carl mews all over himself. 'bah' we say, 'shake it off buddy' we told him. Dave and i went of to play blackjack.

Ah blackjack, you cant help but feel like a high roler at black jack, even when your on the $5 table. "i'll stay" *waves hand across table*. That is so much fun. "I like to live dangerously" daves says, so the dealer says "I also like dangerously". Yeah, the dealer had black jack. lol I started a great winning streak, which in turn gave rise to a blundering losing streak

Losing money isnt nearly as fun as winning it. Conner (the dealer) was a champ, and somewhat shifty too i get the feeling. I was on 12, and i said 'hit me'.
"You realy dont want to do that"
"I'll stay then"
The dealer then dealt himself a card, surely enough, it was the queen of hearts. I want to know how he knew that.

Toddled out with rachelle yesterday. We felt rather sophisticated sitting in a cafe type thing having coffee. Couldnt help but feel like i had sold out doing that though. Then we went into the city, where rach lead me on a wild goose chase as it were to get me onto chapel street. If she had of asked i would have gone there, but OH NO, too easy that would have been. Theres a mighty fine store on chapel street, condom kingdom is by far one of the funniest stores ive been into for a while, a long while.

have i said HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACH yet? no?

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