Jun 30, 2004 01:45
Is everyone ready for some mad lib action?
1. Colour
2. Noun
3. Noun-verb
4. Noun
5. Adjective
6. Washed out band/singer
7. Verb
8. Plural noun
9. Time (1, 2 o'clock etc.)
10. Adjective
My new car
My parents bought me a great new car. It was ________, and it had a very nice _________ attached to it. The ________, as we called it was a great new addition to our family. I could take our ________ out for a ride whenever I wanted. Or, I could take my ________ neighbour too. We would drive and drive, listening to c.d.'s of out favourite band called __________. Finally, we would stop so that we could get out and ________ the night away. I just loved it. Sometimes we would go to the park and buy _______ and carry them around with us all day, until later that night at around ______p.m. we would eat them. Oh, how I miss those _________ summer nights.
1. Noun
2. Noun
3. Verb
4. Verb
5. Same verb
6. Noun
7. Verb
8. Adjective
What is it??!?!?
What is that? It looks like a/an ________ with a huge ________ on top. Can it _______? Wow, yes it can! That's fantastic! I should take it home to shot my parents. They just love to ________, so they will really like this! It can ________ with them! This way, I can have a night alone with the ________. We can _______ and sing songs all night long. Too bad it isn't as ________ as me or my sister, because then we could keep it forever.
Yay, now wasn't that fun? If it's not fun, then try using more risqué words such as booby, and anus.