as anyone who has had at least a 10 minute conversation with me probably knows i watch a lot of TV. i wouldn't say a bad amount but crazy people never say they're crazy either. that being said there have been a few shows in particular that have made a special impact on me, and since they have gone off the air they left a void in my heart that has yet to be filled.
the first show was probably the first show i really remember watching, and the memory of the day the show was canceled is still vivid in my mind.
i'm sure anyone reading this is well aware of my story of pee wee's playhouse being canceled, but for those who don't here it is. i was probably around 5 and i was all ready to sit down and watch my favorite show of the saturday morning cartoon cycle. everything was ready to go the channel was set the time was right and instead of the familiar claymation intro that i was expecting, raggedy anne and andy came on. i was devastated and confused, where was pee wee? i would later find out what happened to paul reubens and why the show was canceled, but i still think that whole thing was blown out of proportion.
the next show on my list was a little bit of a cinderella story.
when it first came on the air i would laugh and joke about it with my high school chums. we would sarcastically "hyperspazz" over it because it was so good. this was all before i had ever seen an episode. now i would like to say i put up a big fight to not watch the show, and if i had to for some unknown reason actually watch the show not like it. but i can't all it took was 1 episode and i was hooked. sure it took a while for me to realize that shawn wasn't a character in the show, and that seth and cohen were in fact the same person. but just seeing how oliver managed to have marissa wrapped around his finger and how ryan never trusted the guy was thrilling and captivating enough for me to start watching it on the regular. some may say it went downhill after the first season, and some may be right, i like to give it at least 2 seasons before it went completely downhill. but nonetheless i watched it every thursday until the end, when ryan who turned out to be a successful architect/engineer saw a young kid who was down on his luck sitting on a street curb and reached out his hand to help, thus completing the circle of life. since that episode thursday nights just haven't felt complete.
the next show is probably the shortest lived show on my list, but equally as irreplaceable as the others.
the Brendan Leonard Show was by far the best show Family has ever aired (i apologize to any iCarly fans) this simple show about an average teenager hanging out with his average teenage friends was anything but average. for those lucky enough to have watched BLS during it's short run know what i'm talking about. so many good moments from the childhood videos of Brendan falling down a slide, to team fresh dancing around keeping things fresh. sure there is the website campjinx with some good videos of Brendan and family/friends doing what they do, but none of it has the same umph factor that the show had. this show in particular probably left the biggest hole in my heart strictly because of the short time i had with it, and the difficulty i've had trying to find a way to rewatch it. i still wait for either a DVD release of the show, or for some kind soul to find all the episodes for me online.
the final show on my list though it may be off the air, i still constantly watch it over and over again.
Rob & Big just makes me feel so good inside, i can't watch an episode and not have a huge smile on my face by the end. they truly are just 2 guyz having a good time, having a good time. this show has impacted me in ways the others on the list have no, for example my favorite number is 22! not because that's my age, or the date of my birthday, but because Big's arms are 22" in diameter and he would constantly say "22's son! 22's" while showing off his flexed arms. my favorite article of clothing is my Big Black double B shirt. they also reinforced the fact that i want a bulldog someday, i knew this show was special when in the first episode they get the same kind of dog that i wanted. i want to be friends with both rob and big, and if i can't do that then at least have lots of money and a big black friend.
there you have it 4 shows that since being gone have left a void in my heart, though shows have come and gone in my life, only these select few have left there mark on my life.