Aaaaaaaalrighty, folks! It's almost Christmas! 8D And most of these drawings are from Thanksgiving or earlier! *headdesk* ..a-anyway, let's get on with it, shall we?
First off, two of these little art thingies are based off of stories I found in this book. "The Firebird and other Russian Fairy Tales" with Illustrations by Boris Zvorykin. I thought I'd share that with you.
The first story I used is "Vassilissa the Fair". Basically it's a Russian Cinderella story. Vassilissa's mother dies and leaves her a doll saying, "If misfortune befalls you, give the doll something to eat and ask its advice. She will eat, then tell you what to do."
Vassilissa's father remarries. Her stepmother and stepsisters are cruel to her and jealous of her beauty. The girls are required to do a certain amount of work before they go to bed, but the candle they used for light was "accidentally" put out and now they need fire. Vassilissa's stepsisters tell her to go to Baba Yaga's house to get fire for them. Baba Yaga is an evil witch and she eats people. ._.
Anyway, Vassilissa goes to the doll for help. Here I have Ukraine as Vassilissa and Belarus as her doll. Ukraine's asking for help and is afraid Baba Yaga will eat her. Belarus is basically asking, "Where's my food?" ...>>'' It was funny at the time.
This illustration is from the story "Maria Morevna", which I don't really feel like explaining. ^^' Go Google it or something. Here Maria is being stolen away from her husband by Koshchey the Deathless.
Here is that same picture *cough*, but with Belarus and Lithuania instead.
The Axis Powers! It was the first time I'd ever drawn them and I was all proud. ^^ Except for Italy's hair. D8 WHYYYY?!
Belarus again. The text reads, "Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love." hehehehe. I love Charlie Brown. owo
One of my friends won a batman cape as a door prize. Later, when everyone went to eat, he walked up to the counter with it on and said, "I'd like a chocolate milkshake with extra JUSTICE." It just seemed appropriate. XD;
And here, Belarus with a tiny Lithuania puppet. owo ....There's not really a story at all behind this one. It is what it is. Now for non-hetalia-related stuff!
This is Ammut. (Go Google it or something. D8) My cousins insisted I draw her for them. The text reads, "Ammut eat your heart out". (p.s. that.... thing on the side... those are supposed to be the scales of Ma'at. ....but whatever. >>'')
Last, but not least, an Alice in Wonderland themed piece. ...It has no special meaning either. D8 I don't know what else to draw on it, but I don't feel like it's done yet. 8/ ....hmmm...
Well, that's all for now, folks! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ^^