4 hours and counting

Mar 17, 2009 04:43

Mom has another round of imaging and perhaps a biopsy today. Really, this is a stalling action for the definitive action: surgery. This was the best compromise that I and her surgeons could come up with to bring her back to the table.

She still doesn't want surgery, and told my brother as such today. He didn't take it well and blew up with her on the phone. Not the best of moves, but he's always been a bit of a hot head.

It's worse than I thought, her recalcitrance. Instead of a "couple of months," she wants to do the herbals for six months(!). Whatever this guru of hers is telling her, it is really playing into her fear/avoidance. I think a face to face with him is overdue.

I'm not quite at my wit's end but close. I've been using my position to the best of my abilities to maneuver behind the scenes to get things done that she refuses to do (such as pick up her XRAYS). It has been quite distracting since I have my own patients to care for. I can't take too much time off as we're short handed already and I believe now that I have to save my days to look after her later.

I can't do this alone anymore. I need help, but I don't know how to ask for it without sending huge shock waves throughout the family (I don't she's told any of her siblings). I will tell them but I hope that they surprise and panic dies quickly so that we can get to it...

mom, letters from a slightly older doctor

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