tonight i'll try to make it out to the races, as in horsey. i'm mostly interested in the door prizes, rum punch and the horses. okay, okay okay, i only want the rum punch, since i'll be on day 7 of 8 of work.
speaking of 8 days a week, friday is the classical mystery tour, the next in the concerts in the garden series. i scored some vip tickets for parking and buffet, 'cause i'm fly like that. i used to gaze forlornly at the horizon while studying at the library as the post-show fireworks erupted, wondering what it was like for people who had a life. i guess i get to find out.
saturday is the first day of summer. i'm considering going to a summer fest. i don't know.
sunday in my birfday. not sure what will be going on then. i have no plans. if my mom remembers, we'll probably consume some groceries together. we'll see. a couple years ago, she didn't remember until ten 'til midnight, a la sixteen candles. so john hughes.
wednesday, i'm going to spamalot at the bass hall. k bought me a clutch of tickets for a bday present. sweet. or should i say spam? so far, i've got two extra tickets--anyone wanna go???
pixielily0323 is in, anyone else?
this year's birthweek is shaping up to be mighty fine, if lower key than weeks past. but i'm okay with that. if anyone wants to take me out, my diary is otherwise open. *g*
also: happy birthday to my soul sister number one,