Nov 27, 2005 21:05
I wish you could go on rounds with me.
I wish you could spend a day, nay a week, with me.
I wish you could see what I see.
I wish you could do what I do.
I wish you could share the absurdity of my situation.
I wish you could truly know how fucked up life can get.
I wish you could help me figure out how introduce myself for the first time AND tell some one that they are dying in the same conversation.
I wish you could go three knuckles deep with me up a dying woman's ass so that she might have one last normal bowel movement.
I wish you could aid me in calculating the dose of narcotics that will relieve pain, yet won't also put the patient in a coma.
I wish you could pull me out of a demanding patient's room so that he won't siphon off what little spirit I have left.
I wish you could hear me answering pages as I write this.
I wish you could understand that work hours are just _guidelines_ and that I'll be done when I'm done.
I wish you could bring me food when I can't eat.
I wish you could realize that sometimes Hospice is the best option.
I wish you could know that there aren't always answers.
I wish you could tell them for me that it usually was their own fault.
I wish you could comprehend that though your problem is important, you aren't the only one.
I wish you could be my second in a duel of wits with a drug seeker.
I wish you could figure out how a pensioner can pay for her prescriptions AND eat this month.
I wish you could have put down that needle/pipe/bottle/pill/baggy/can.
I wish you could tell me how they let an ex-skater-punk-alterna-industrial kid of average intelligence pass medical school and get a license?
I wish you could appreciate how the only thing I know how to do erodes at my physical as well as my emotional well being.
I wish you could let me just be me.
I wish you could tell me that it's okay and make me believe it.
I wish you could see all the shades of gray I see.
I wish you could fathom why I don't believe in God.
I wish you could go back in time to buckle that kid's seatbelt.
I wish you could have ridden with me on that gurney with our hands up that uterus trying keep the baby from strangling on his own umbilical chord.
I wish you could have witnessed the horrors of giving birth after a female circumcision.
I wish you could notice that there isn't always time to relish the moment.
I wish you could document for me.
I wish you could do the talking.
I wish you could do the listening.
I wish you could be here right now.
things that will never be