[ Friends Only ]
Yes, so this LJ is Friends Only. Because people scare me!
...Okay, not really. I just don't like the idea of some random person - that being just about anyone on the Internet - reading my entries. The stuff I write here isn't too interesting to someone who doesn't know me anyway, so yeah. My userinfo should tell you enough (not that there was much info there).
But then, maybe you do "know" me. In other words, we've met on some forum or something like that, or... whatever. You did end up here for some reason after all...
If you really want to read my pointless usually RPG/website/no-life etc. related entries, add me and then comment (and give me some info about who you are; your LJ username might not be the same I know you as etc.), and I'll add you back - that is, unless you're one of those people who just post quizzes and so on, or if I for some reason am uncertain of you (in which case I'll probably ask for more info or something).
Anyway, comment if you wanna be added!