(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 13:26

Well, the story-tellers gathering didn't went too bad, got a small comfy group, consisting of me, Sir Robin, Pastel and Sake appearing, and Later Captain Caryltis joined´. Kaira appeared too, but she had too leave.
When I arriwed Sir Robin decide to have some fun with me and Pastel, posing as a guard, though I started to get suspicious when he refused to show his papir and refered to obscure laws.
Turns out that Sir Robin are part-timing as city guards varius places.

We headed to a nice seclued place near the edge with benches, and then Sir Robin opened the gathering with a nice story about a sailor and a dog, during which time Caryltis appeared. Sake also adopted an rocker during the event, when a rocker egg opened up behind her and saw her first, thinking that she was it's mother. I think it's going to be in good hands
After Sir Robin, Pastel told a short tale about an acolyte....unfurtunately, we couldn't continue after that, due to a storm appearing ((server shut down))

I think I'll probaly arrange a date for continuing the stories.

Following day I visited the lab that Vezrejai students supposely had thrashed....I don't think I'll buy it at first sight though...the hint was allmust too neat, having a gem dropped like that. Took some note of the scale of damage and asked for adminstration to seal of the lab, untill further notice.

Regarding the students, then it looks like must of them are going to past this semester, so the guild won't have too many spending the summer studying......I got a feeling that the academic part of the guild are really starting to get on a roll.

Yesterday was nice....First, I managed to get ahold of a minor focus, which I could channelise arcane energy through, to simulate a healing spell and then ran of to test it. ((heal clip...finally, at base level 84, and after being playing for years I finally got one! *grins*))
Afterward I spent a day with a young hunter by the name Leigh and tried all kind of things, ranging from her trying to catch me (which she seems to be even better at then quiet a few hitmen that have been after me), to baking bread over a firewall and all kind of stuff inbetween.....we had a few close call where things got abit out of hand though and some....ackward moments....but a nice day none the less.....hack, that's an understatement, It felt more then simple nice.
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