(no subject)

Apr 19, 2005 22:59

a few weeks ago, I attended Serynas birthday!

been some time since I've had a chance to gather with everybody like that.
Everybody met in Amatsu, when the famed Sakura tree was blossoming. there I managed to run into all kind of itneresting people for the first time, Must of them priests and priestesses. After must had arrived, we started with giving gifts, from my side, Seryna recieved a munak hat.....a small inspiration for her to strive toward becomming a high priestess

Elmikie paused the writing, as if the last line had reminded him of something that he wanted to dwell on, then continued.

One of those who attended was Pastel, seemed like she really was worried that I might had been death...which reminded me that I still hadn't asked her about the reporting encounter she had with Vegi, but the party would be a bad place and time to ask about it, so I didn't bring it up. I had to leave shortly after that for a quik meeting, but managed to return while the party was still going on, with no sign of dieing out. All of us headed of to Amatsus' Sakura watching place, when the last guest, Ervalis, had arrived.

There Pastel asked me if I could tell a story, and I figured "why not?" was about to start too, but it just happened that Seryna allready have things planned, starting out with poetry reciting, where the theme would be spring. Was nice to hear what everybody came up with....even tried my own hand on it, with a small poem.
What touched me must though, was not a poem, but a song that a priestess by the name Arc performed.
the lyrics went like this.

"Shine bright morning light, now in the air the spring is comming.
Sweet blowing wind, singing down the hills and valleys.
Keep your eyes on me, now we're on the edge of hell.
dear my love, sweet morning light, wait for me you have gone much farther, too far."

I think it got me abit too lost in thoughts though, since Pastel offered my some candy almust immdiatly after. and I didn't really think more of the song after that.

Again he paused.....the song going through his head on repeat a few times, then he started up again.

I also had a rather poor attempt to living up the party a bit...I sended a bolt of fire up into the air, to do some firework, but almust after I had sent it up, I got distracted by the others who was worried about me casting spell.....which lead to me loosing track of the bolt as it went up into the sky.
Picked up some cake to everybody to replace that instead......probaly also alot safer.
Then suddenly, Seryna disappeared, and immidiatly afterward, a young alchemist appeared and gave us a riddle.
A game...Looks like Seryna really do have what it takes to do alot of good, in a high position within the church, hihg priestess or not.
Anyway, I decided to stay and keep an eye on things and keep those who didn't go, company.
which turned out to be a good idea, since Arc got herself drunk, Len woke up while the others where still gone, and Alaylla appeared and abit confused about where everybody had gone.
Had an.....interesting talk with Len, while looking after Arc. After some time, the others returned and Seryna gave gifts to everybody who attended....even to me, which she gave a few scrolls she had found, hadn't checked them yet though. I had to leave soon after that....but...it was a nice time.

Almust too sharp a contrast to what I left to attend to...co-ordinating the research on making certain kind of drugs less likely to cause overdosis....for now, this is the way that will save must.

on ligther note, I had a friend visiting the tower, by the name Leigh, who seems to be scared of magic though...and visiting the Vezrejai didn't leave a much betteer first impression, with a run-away golem crashing through the wall, followed by the students from the "golem construction" course. Seemed to enjoy the greenhouse/bio-dome in the tower though, so all in all, a pretty good day.
The rest of my days have mustly been busy with preperations for spring examination, meetings regarding things like the disbanding and distribution of the forces, of the Venereable Swords Chapter and some looking into Caryltis background. Still can't find my self opening the diary of Pastel, from before she grew younger and got her memory wiped though.

Today....must of my thoughts had been on tomorrow, but not so much that I couldn't hold my concentration during todays Council meeting in Geffen.....The importancy of the gesture that Prontera gave, when it sent a contigent of peco-rider to reinforce Geffens forces showed, when the isolation politic was voted down by a large majority despite the attack.
The meeting went pretty well generally, got a few policies suggested that doesn't sound quite right, that I have to look through for loop-holes though.

Elmikie closed the Journal and headed out of his office, to the one next door and entered
"Hi, Julius. Just want to let you know, that tomorrow, I won't be avaliable unless something big comes"
"I know Elm....I'll keep people from bothering when you go visiting"
"Thanks...Good night Julius"
He closed the door and went back to his room..."better get some rest for tomorrow"
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