Maybe some of you read my comment on Jessies LJ, but this entry has to do with that. And I swear LiveJournal was made for bitching and emo entrys...because seriously I don't think anyone really wants to read about someones weekend [ok maybe sometimes].
I seriously can't stop thinking about how life isn't life anymore. It seems the older we all get
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So I guess all I have to say is, that instead of saying, "I wish it was summer, or I wish I was older so I could drive"..... we should just forget about all that, and go with how life is now, and be happy with it, because once we are older and summer comes and we can drive, we're all gonna look back at the past and wish we had our innocense back, when we didn't have so much "responsibility".
And what really scares me is, that you reality won't let you go back in time, and change something, or add something to the past, or just relive somthing that happened that made you happy, or even relive your entire life. When you acctually think about it, like a memory or somthing that you want to remember, all you have is that memory, and nothing else. You may have pictures, or actual objects that remind you of it, but you can never actually VISIT that memory.... ever again. It's like meeting a person, moving away, and not keeping in touch with that person. They could be your BEST FRIEND, or even family, and you'll never talk to them again or see them or ANYTHING. And all you have to remember them by is your own thoughts.
Sry this was so long lol.
I told you there were some things left unsaid on my last entry.
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