Jun 20, 2005 07:59
At twelve o' clock on Friday, summer came out. I was really fulfilling and suddenly I was like, whoa shit, I'm basically carefree and the sun is shining hard and I'm in love and my grades rock ass and I built a super sweet trebuchet.
Speaking of which, last Sunday Michael McCord and I initiated ourselves into the life of crime by stealing a "SLOW: Children at Play" sign with some idiot looking kid that could have passed as an overly pubescent keebler elf. We mounted it on our trebuchet in a sort of last ditch effort to make a badass trebuchet. Nonetheless we kicked Florian's group's ass by about a foot or so and we kicked negative ass when it came to Aaron Goldin's and Huachen's groups, In which we got beat by fifty feet. Too bad they didn't have a mondo sign attached to their trebuchet.
And then like a day later, Me and Stephen Rodrigues stole a "Gay & Lesbian" sign from the Barnes and Nobles stock room because were immature thieves.
I then got a hundred and one percent on my integrals test and a ninety three percent on the final in Pre-Calc honors. I felt good leaving that class with an A. So good in fact, that it would be safe for me to say that I love math. And that I am going to major in it in college. Anyone who disagrees can go fucking take the square root of a negative number.
My love for musical theater was exemplified by Songs for a New World. God, musical theater is unstoppably dank. Especially when it involve stage kisses and songs about suicide. But fer sers (for serious), it was an amazing show.
Friday was SUCH a good kick off to summer. I went to graduation which was full of sunburn and Carly being too good of a singer for the sound guy to the point where she blew out his mic. We then went to Carly's house where I got beaten with lightsabers despite being a defenseless jedi. I was Darth Vader and little five year old Will was Yoda. I was bound to get my ass kicked. I said my farewells and treked on home and got my guitar and the William Penn 15 Club played a show! Finally! At this girl's house on Crest Dr. It was really rad how everyone broke it down old school while we were playing hardcore music. And then we all just played on the zip line and jumped in the pool. What a good night.
We're two days in and the crunk level just won't stop rising.
I'm leaving for Peru on Friday, if you want me to bring you something specifically, leave a comment here, and I will try my best to fulfill your wildest fantasies.
Alex Lowell