Quorum & Attendance!

Jun 11, 2006 09:32

Mindy asked me:

What have you been up to in your life recently?

I'm mostly playing pool and watching Star Trek. Yeah. There really isn't much to do around here. I've got a few medium-sized projects to finish before school ends, and then one or two more before my college course end. I'm keeping pretty busy with school, but when I get a spare moment I head down to the bowling alley to play pool and watch Star Trek, which the owner lets me leave on. Anne has a box of Star Trek tapes that we leave on as background noise when I'm over a lot.

My iPod stolen and I'm going through a bit of music withdrawal. In fact, the Lemon Demon I'm playing right now seems indescribably beautiful as a result. I'm also going to start applying for jobs soon once I figure out if I'm going to Driver's Ed this summer and how that will work with my job. I plan to save up enough to buy another iPod, but this time I will get a good warranty, a case that will let me keep it in my pocket, and get it engraved. I also want to save up enough money for the game buying frenzy I'm going to go into in the last quarter of this business year and the first of next year. I need to buy a Wii bundled with Twilight Princess. I also want Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, and (eventually) Spore and Possession. But once my friend George goes to college in Arizona, I can probably get his job at the art store, which I'll enjoy more than any other job in town, and it has pretty decent pay and hours.I spend a lot of time lately coming up with possible characters for Brawl. LIke I said, not much to do. I also have been playing a lot of Majora's Mask.

I'm planning to go to a community college full time next year, via a program that gets me high school credits by taking college courses. Then next year I'm hoping to go to Eugene Lang in Manhattan with a major in English or Communications or whatever I need to become a writer in periodical while I work on my screenplays. I may even be able to write in gaming or science periodicals, which would be freaking awesome.

This summer Anne and I are probably going to go on a few crazy outings (we can come up with good ones) and I'm going to be taking piano lessons from my mother. I'm also hoping to actually get some time to read, write and draw. There has been precious little of that as of late.

and... How are things going with your girlfriend?

Fucking better than great.
I don't even know how to describe it.

You know how Michelle and I used to act like an old abusive married couple? Anne and I kind of act like a young married couple: always picking lint of each other and getting each others things. It is our mutual and continual frustration that the law and our parents don't allow us to sleep in the same bed.

Sometime it feels like it's going to last forever, other times I am only concerned with the present. We talk about applying to the same colleges, since she is going to stay in community college for a year to finish her Associate of the Arts. The relationship is just great. IT's an awesome match. You'll see if we ever visit (which we probably will).

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