Dec 29, 2005 11:57
So, I'm making Communopoly, which is like Monopoly, but more communist. Fortunately, communists are all about getting rich...just like us! So it works. Anyhoo, I might appreciate some help coming up with clever rule changes and such. Here is what I have so far:
1. Corruption Cards--the first time you want to buy land, you draw a Corruption card. This card stays with you for the rest of the game. It will be some level between Town Leader and Chairman Mao. So, suggestions of other in between communist government officials would be cool. The idea is, the higher up the official you draw is, the smaller the bribe you have to pay him to buy land. If you draw Chairman Mao, you only have to pay 10C (Communopols) for each piece of property you want to buy. If you draw Town Leader, you will have to pay 100C or so for each property. So, government official selections?
2. Politboro Chest Cards (Or some more clever name)--these cards take the place of Community Chest cards and feature things such as The Great Leap Forward, when all players have to return all houses and hotels to the government bank. Also, the Bolshevik Revolution, when everyone get 500C from the bank (redistributing the wealth of the czars), but lose all their money once every player has taken one turn. Or something along those lines. Che card suggestions?
3. KGB Cards--takes the place of Chance Cards, and frequently send you to other parts of the board. When you get there, if the property is unowned, you can buy it (assuming you can afford the bribe) or, if it is owned, you and the owner both role a die. Whoever has the higher number (ties go to the owner) gets the property. If the KGB-card player loses, s/he goes to jail. Other card ideas?
4. Board space changes--slight changes from monopoly. Luxury tax is ten times higher than usual due to the black market for luxury goods. You lose a turn the first turn in jail, due to it being hard to get out of the gulag. You lose a turn on free parking due to having to wait in the breadline. The utilities are the same, partially, except that you have to roll against the owner (you each roll one die) and if the utility owner loses, the utility is out that month and you don't have to pay. Railroads...I don't know yet. Income tax...also don't know. Other suggestions?
This game is going to rock. I'm going to put it together as quick as I can (which should be quick, cause work is slow) so that maybe we can play sometime over break before everyone leaves. Perhaps New Years Eve? So please, suggest away!!