wow. I thought it couldn't happen. but it did happen
it wasn't more of a big pop as much as I was just playing and I noticed it sounded really bad. I always thought it would pop and burst my ear drums or something. I don't post much, and this isn't that interesting (at least, to you guys) so I'll post a bonus picture of julian. click to see. (this is kinda like one of those things where you pay a lot of money to go see some big thing but all you want to go to is some bonus thing. like when they had the animated matrix sex orgy thing before dreamcatcher. julian is the sex orgy and my poor burst head is dreamcatcher. yeah. it's just like that.)
this was from a looong while ago, when julian and I were really bored one saturday night. I might have posted this before, but I'm posting it again. he looks really stoned in it. probably because we watched master & commander in spanish. it sucked.