Review of James Swallow's "The Stuff of Dreams"

Mar 31, 2013 22:35

As a longtime Star Trek: TNG fan, this was the first novel I've ever read based on the show. It was a good first choice, as it was one of my favorite movies, Generations, that is the inspiration for this plot.

Novelizations based on the show are technically fanfiction (not that I object). My compliments to James Swallow for making me forget that by presenting the characters' actions and dialogues in a way that matches what the show conveys. It was also an interesting treat to see Soran again, who in the movie was trying to get to the Nexus to be with his deceased family. The Soran in the book is just an echo, but he is shown with his family and with his previous villainous traits completely absent from his personality. I was touched.

The plot kept me interested. I liked that what happened in the Nexus wasn't an embarrassing rehash of what happened in the movie. There are new characters, including a longtime friend of Picard's, who plays a major part in the plot.

The book was also compact and easy to read. In length, it could be a two-part episode. Longish books make me impatient, and shorter ones leave me unsatisfied. This was just right. I read 2/3rds of it in one sitting without feeling mentally fatigued in the end.

I hope it becomes a popular read among those who collect Star Trek novels.

NetGalley lent me the copy of the book for free in exchange for this feedback.
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