Movies are a big thing my house, especially the Oscars. My brother is a movie fanatic. In fact, for one of his college essays, he submitted a list of his top 100 favorite films. Since the Oscar noms are out -- despite not knowing if they'll air or not -- I'm going to put up a short list of my five favorite movies from this year. Actually, I didn't get to see that many in the theatre, so I didn't have that many to choose from :)
1. Once
This was a really sweet, low-budget movie that definitely deserved more than one nomination for Best Song. It was a very unconventional musical that worked in every aspect. We came out of the theatre with smiles going ear-to-ear.
2. Juno
Okay, like everyone else, at first the dialogue turned me off. Once I tuned it out, though, I really fell in love with this cute little comedy. Ellen Page is to die for and, as much as I despise her, even I can admit that Jennifer Garner is fabulous.
3. Hairspray
I saw this in the theatre with my friends, which made the experience even better. This was just fun and happy and light, and OMG, Zac Efron! (Is it just me or does he seem really gay?)
4. Eastern Promises
I loved A History of Violence and of course I'm a Viggo girl back from the LOTR days. He continues to improve as an actor, and he does different roles every time. I'm so pleased that he got nominated for this tight, dark, intense mob thriller.
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Sue me, but I'm loyal to Harry, especially when I had two great experiences in seeing this in the theatre. (
Press screening in Philly,
midnight showing.) I also liked this movie a TON better than Goblet of Fire, a factor that pushed it a lot further up my list. The production values were v. good also.
I was about to put Sweeney Todd in place of Harry, but then I thought, "You know, I really didn't like that all that much after I left the theatre." There really wasn't anything memorable about songs that I found myself wanting to download, no screencaps I went hunting for. I was kind of disappointed, something I didn't expect to be. Hmm.