(taken by me)
1. dad finnaalllyy got the scanner working ! woo. So now i can upload my pictures from the film camera. The one up there hasn't had any editing, i love how gritty and old fashioned it turned out. Pity about the light contamination though...My dad says he's going to buy me a new film Olympus, an OM4. I have a OM2 right now...Though I'm not too sure if I actually want a new one. Okay so this one I have now has a light leak somewhere because it's old, but it was the one dad used when he was my age, it's special. Dad is so excited about getting a new one he hasn't realized how much I love his.
2. the other day my friends and i laid down on the hill and just watched the clouds pass us in the sky, and pointed out all the quirky shapes we could see. I havn't done it so long, it was the nicest thing. <3
3. one of my friends had a birthday party last night. It was good fun, though a fair share of drama went around. It was basically a whole bunch of Asians with some of them halariously drunk xD .
4. i'm getting another budgie, thank god, my other one is sooo bored with out a girlfriend, ahah.
5. emily loved Gold Creek when I showed it to her. We bought all the gifts we wanted, and she fell in love with the lolly shop there seeing as they import all this candy from overseas and she's obsessed with such things. Didn't really share her excitment with her, but adored watching her face light up when she saw all this stuff that she really liked. I took her to the markets too, we saw the cutest puppies x] .
6. last night my mum asked me to read out loud to her like she does when she's too tired to keep her eyes open but is desperate to find out what happens in the story next. I forget what time she fell asleep and I closed the book, but I'm sure I read to her for more than an hour. <3 .
7. school is really starting to accelerate now with assignments and homework. D: D:
'are you Chinese?'
'Does she look Chinese!?'
ta ta.