Happy Holidays New Year

Jan 04, 2006 10:58


So, we've made it into another year. The holidays were good, I got lots of loot for my birthday and Christmas. I got to see mwano84gem, darkangelpf, l_stephens, and owen_stephens on Christmas Eve which was one of the bestest parts since I hardly ever get to see any of them and we all got to hang out together at one time.

On my birthday, we got to go to a Serenity DVD watch party with our local Firefly fan group which is I think the first watch party that I've ever attended where we didn't actually watch the thing we were there to see. ;P It was loads and loads of fun, though, because instead we spent the time hanging out and watching DVD extras and downloaded extras off the interweb all together that people hadn't seen before.

We got to spend time with snowshadow both over the week and last night before he ships out for Iraq today, so everybody think warm fuzzy things about him until he gets back. Once he's back, he's on his own, but until then it'd be nice for him to be safe. :P

I also very much enjoyed the week off from work. Now I'm back, which is no fun, but not so bad either. I'd hoped my BS-tolerance level would recover with a week away but alas that is not the case.

We'll be back with resolutions after this weekend, probably, because I have to do my whole goalsetting process and haven't had time yet. :P
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