Student Silliness

Dec 07, 2005 14:31

These are some tips for those readers who might be college students or for those who are amused by antics of silly people.

1) Your professors do not have the responsibility to withdraw you from your classes. You're responsible for doing that yourself. If you never even went to the class, it should've been easy enough to go online in the first week and drop yourself before you even got billed for it.

2) Your professors don't wait around in their offices all day long. They:
A) Have office hours. These are posted on their office doors and are listed in the front office where they are available over the phone or by email.
B) Don't generally come in on days that they don't teach. Just like you don't come to campus on days that you don't have class. Or, apparently, on days that you do.

3) If you want to withdraw from a class, the easiest way to find your professor is to go to it. Waiting around outside their office all day isn't going to make them show up. Nor is waiting around my office.

4) Waiting until the last week of classes on the day that has the most inclement weather of the semester is probably not a good plan. You probably realized that you weren't going to be able to cut it this semester sometime during the middle after you'd missed the first 8 weeks of class. Waiting until week 16 isn't going to make it any easier for you.

5) Don't get snotty about it. It's not your professor's fault you can't make it to class. Nor is it their fault that you need to drop.

6) Emailing your professor if you need to get ahold of them when you haven't bothered to get in touch with them all term and need them to do something for you is probably a good idea. Showing up and expecting them to just be here is not.

Most importantly:

7) Do not give me attitude about it. You're the one who had many many many opportunities to fix this problem before now. If you'd done it at the beginning of the semester, you wouldn't even have had to pay for the classes in the first place. If you'd done it mid semester, you wouldn't be dealing with the Dean's office now to do it. If you'd done it last week, you would've had a better chance of finding everyone involved. None of these things in any way make me culpable.
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