Title: A single moment
Character: Park Jaebeom
Rating: mind's too jumbled to rate but G i guess?
Summary: How could a single mistake, a single moment, ruin everything?
A/N: i'm pretty sure you all know this but recently Jae just resigned from 2pm, like gone. So I though I'd dedicate this little drabble to him.
wake up Park Jaebeom )
This was so... realistic & beautiful.
I'm more angry right now though. Comments where Jay says he's proud of being korean have just been released, on purpose. >:I
well wtf?! just released now? I swear, netizens, they have some kind of sick pride and they're soooo out of line!
I just want my Leadja back ;~;
We all do. I'm not sure if any of the other boys could touch on his leadership skills or how they'll cope without him. T_T
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