
Aug 25, 2004 15:04

am having odd day where things seem to suddenly take shape and become perfectly clear again. feel like i suddenly have drive to get certain things done or mend broken stuff.

from now on, i'm consciously making an effort to mend the relationships i've neglected over the past few months. like kungfookittykat posted in her journal, everyone is focusing on themselves at the mo. it seems we've all been hit with mountains of crap to deal with at the same time so no one has been able to help anyone else out. will now on endeavor to forget personal shit and help other ppl with theirs. yes, i think its true we can handle it on our own and we dont get handed stuff we can't deal with, but no one WANTS to do it on their own. just cos we can handle it doesn't mean we have to.

have a strange feeling the world is trying to tell me sumthing. suddenly ppl around me have started talking to me about the same thing. sumthing i'd given up on. have yet to work out if parents, pete, other friends and mentors are all in secret alliance to force dreams back upon me, but to be honest, i don't really mind. i guess to want sumthing whole heartedly one has to know what its like to not want it.


have moved back home, by the way. still have no job which wasn't a problem till today when telecom called to say i owed them money and suddenly occured to me i didn't have any to pay bill with. *sigh* phone will be disconnected. oh well. at least this motivates me to get off my ass and stop being such a lazy bugger and enjoying the freedom of unemployment.
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