Jan 16, 2009 21:40
this last, final semester in NUS, i expect to go out with a whimper.
not a big, explosive HELL YEAH I DID THAT AND IT FELT AWESOME kinda bang but a, ohdearlordihavetofindajobnowandsufferadailycrowdedcommutetowork.
the science module (hello gin!) is er, okay? the lecturer is hot (to me) and hilarious (awesome combination in any girl) but i still get the heebie jeebies whenever i'm in Science. it's like every fiber in my body knows that i'm in some weird foreign place i'm not meant to be. it's like asking saints and monks to be in the red light district area, y'know? just wrong man.
and my health module. oh my dear scots. boy was i glad to see ling and sam (hello girls!) during my break time because it's my 2nd Soci lecture that is excruciatingly painful. (the first was by this obnoxious dude who totally ruined my passion for gender studies.) last semester, the lecturers seemed bent on making us kill our friends by having group projects for all modules. this sem, the lecturers seem bent on making us kill ourselves by insisting on all individual work. and hello, some papers are 4000 - 5000 words - might as write do an individual research module (ISM)! grahhhhh.
i didn't get to see my favourite lecturer who looks like a cross between a hamster and Santa Claus. i shit you not man. and he's awesome and friendly and he turns pink when he laughs and/or drinks.
ah well, at least my ethnography module looks somewhat cool. it's funny how i always really hated doing anthropology-ethnography modules. i used to think these people were all a little loopy and scatter-brained and disorganised....evidenced by this lecturer who came into tutorial once and said she doesn't expect us to keep strictly to the course outline/deadlines and be very organised about things because she's not very organised herself and she's still figuring out the mysteries of the student portal (by then we were in our 4th week of school) so errr, we'll try to get started on tutorial still (really. she did say all that.). but hey, i realised that these modules are actually pretty interesting and awesome.
whatever it is, it's my last academic attempt so i'm still gonna enjoy it and not get bogged down by the fact that moving around NUS can be a pretty lonesome experience, it's okay to be a wallflower and i'm gonna recycle my sloppy outfits! YES I WILL NO LONGER GET STRESSED OVER DRESSING IMMACULATELY! only because i just permed my hair and i'm going for the messy-rolled-out-of-bed look.
i literally do that. i got up late for my 10am class today and so didn't have time to shower. 156 is annoying slow, crowded and doesn't come on time. so yes, i will live in my rolled-up jeans, gray tshirts and messy hair.
and then if i decide to do graduate school, i will ascend to heathen-unkempt-heaven!
my sister (the 2nd one) is coming back in 24 hours!!!! :D :D :D i'm awesomely stoked because i have a new playmate who doesn't have to worry about work but still has money to spend. and maybe, i can whinge about getting a new family member from SPCA! it's been 7 months since ernie died and went to dog heaven, and i must move on! to a new love!
onward we march!