Jun 25, 2014 10:50
It seems like I have forgotten about this old blog of mine for years. Probably after I met Twitter, where writing your thoughts of the moment is made easier. Forgotten how awesome it is to write unlimitedly on a blog.
And it was right when I have a huge stress with my housemate that time. I guess it was a turning point of my life. Where I started to lose sight of myself. When ranting on twitter might make it felt better, but it's not a good thing.
Lots and LOTS have happened these past years. Years where I've been trying hard to be someone else due to surrounding pressures. Full of regrets now when I finally realized that there's no need for me to change and fit in back then, just be myself. I have lied a lot to myself and my friends.
One last post on this LJ, and I'll make a new blog to start over again. Still thinking of staying with LJ or change to blogger or wordpress. Just for myself to keep in track of my life again anyway.
So goodbye and yoroshiku old me, I've learnt a lot from you.